¿Qué pasa con los códigos de barras y 666: La Marca de la Bestia?

Es el código de barras de la Marca de la Bestia?
¿Es realmente contienen códigos de barras el número 666?
¿El código de barras allanando el camino a 666: la marca de la bestia?
Antes de responder a estas preguntas, es necesario examinar brevemente la tecnología de código de barras. . .
¿Qué son los códigos de barras?
Los códigos de barras, por supuesto, son los cada vez más habituales "barras" y "números" en prácticamente todo. En 1973, "Código de barras Mr." (¿o es la señora de código de barras?) Paseaban tranquilamente en nuestro mundo. En poco más de 25 años, el Sr. Barcode literalmente ha apoderado del mundo. Ahora hay un código de barras para casi todo. Hay códigos de barras y códigos de barras cortas y altas. Hay códigos de barras y códigos de barras delgadas de grasa. Hay códigos de barras y códigos de barras postales internacionales. Hay códigos de barras 2-D. Y hay incluso códigos de barras para los humildes "abejorro". De las cartas, para coques, desde peces hasta fuma - está "vestido" con amigos "Código de barras señor".
Como alguien dijo con sinceridad: "Si es que existe, códigos de barras en ella".
El código de barras principal utilizado en los Estados Unidos es el UPC (Universal Product Code) de código de barras. La UPC es también el "original" código de barras.La UPC fue diseñado para la industria de la alimentación. Debido a la gran cantidad de piezas que suelen "check-out" en la tienda de comestibles, un método fue necesario para acelerar y eliminar los "errores humanos" cajero. En 1973, el código de barras UPC nació.
Para la persona promedio, el código de barras se ve confuso y complejo, pero a un "código de barras" ordenador amable, en realidad es muy simple.
¿Cómo un equipo de escáner lee un código de barras?
Un número de código de barras individual es en realidad siete unidades. Una unidad es de color negro o blanco. Una unidad que es negro se mostrará como un "bar". Una unidad que es de color blanco se mostrará como un "espacio". Otra forma de escribir una unidad de código de barras es "1" para una sola unidad "bar negro" y "0" para una sola unidad "espacio en blanco". Por ejemplo, el número "1" se compone de las siete unidades "0011001" o "espacio-espacio-barra-barra-espacio-espacio-bar".Recuerde, un código de barras único requiere siete unidades.
También, en un código de barras UPC los mismos números en el lado izquierdo (el código del fabricante) se codifica diferente que los números en el lado derecho (código de producto). Los números del lado izquierdo son en realidad los "invertidos" o "espejo" códigos de los números del lado derecho, por ejemplo, qué es un "bar" en el lado derecho, es un "espacio" en el lado izquierdo. Los códigos del lado derecho se llaman "paridad par" códigos porque hay un número par de "negros" unidades de barras.Por ejemplo, el del lado derecho "6" es "101000" - 2 pares de barras "negras" unidades. El lado izquierdo es llamado "paridad-impar" porque hay un número impar de "negros" unidades de barras. Por ejemplo, el lado izquierdo "6" es "0101111" - 5 impares "negro" unidades de barras. Tener diferentes números codificados para cada lado permite que el código de barras para escanear en cualquier dirección.
Las tablas siguientes son los códigos laterales izquierda y derecha coinciden con los números correspondientes, separados en las siete unidades individuales.
1234567 1234567 1234567 1234567 1234567 1234567 1234567 1234567 1234567 1234567
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0001101 0011001 0010011 0111101 0100011 0110001 0101111 0111011 0110111 0001011
1234567 1234567 1234567 1234567 1234567 1234567 1234567 1234567 1234567 1234567
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1110011 1100110 1101100 1000010 1011100 1001110 1010000 1000100 1001000 1110100
Aviso, algunas cosas acerca de los códigos:
  1. Como se mencionó anteriormente, los números de izquierda y derecha son "invertida" o "espejo".
  2. Todos los números de código de barras es igual a "cuatro" marcas diferentes. Una "marca" puede ser "negro" (bar) o "blanco" (espacio). Las "marcas" varían en anchura, pero siempre hay cuatro marcas diferentes, 2 "marcas de barras" y 2 "marcas espaciales". Por ejemplo, el número de código de la izquierda "uno" es "3 espacios (marca 1), 2 bares (marca 2), 1 plaza (marca 3), 1 bar (marca 4)".
  3. Los códigos del lado izquierdo siempre comienza con un "espacio" o "0" y termina con un "bar" o "1". El derecho es todo lo contrario, comienza con un "bar" o "1" y termina con un "espacio" o "0".
Nota: El ordenador no lee los números por debajo del código de barras. Estos legible por humanos (HR) números están impresos por lo que un "humano" puede fácilmente leer el código de barras, si es necesario.
Número de caracteres del sistema: Este número es un número del sistema UPC que caracteriza a determinados tipos de códigos de barras. En un código de barras UPC es normalmente a la izquierda del código de barras. El verdadero "código de barras" (las "barras" y "espacios") es el primer "código de barras" después de la "barra de protección" en primer lugar. El carácter del sistema Número es el cuadro azul en la "Anatomía de un código de barras".
Los códigos de los caracteres del sistema Número:
  • 0 - Standard número UPC.
  • 1 - Reservados.
  • 2 - los artículos al azar de peso, como frutas, verduras y carnes, etc
  • 3 - Productos farmacéuticos
  • 4 - En la tienda de código para los minoristas.
  • 5 - Cupones
  • 6 - Número estándar UPC.
  • 7 - Standard número UPC.
  • 8 - Reservados.
  • 9 - Reservados.
3 Servicio de Bares: Hay "tres barras de seguridad". Están ubicados en el principio, medio y fin. Las barras de protección inicial y final se codifican como una "barra-espacio-barra" o 101. La barra de protección medio está codificado como "espacio-barra-espacio-barra-espacio" o 01010. Las barras de seguridad "decir" el ordenador-scanner cuando el código del fabricante y el producto comienza y termina. Por ejemplo, cuando el ordenador-escáner lee la primera "101" o barra de protección, el equipo conoce la siguiente serie de números es el fabricante o el código de producto. Y cuando el ordenador lee el "01010" o barra del medio guardia, el ordenador sabe otro número que viene. Las 3 barras de seguridad son también los supuestamente "666" oculto en el código de barras (que veremos en detalle más adelante). Las 3 barras de seguridad se resaltan con un recuadro verde en la "Anatomía de un código de barras".
Además, la barra de protección analizados en primer lugar es utilizado por el equipo para calcular el "ancho" de una unidad.
Código del fabricante: Este es un número de cinco dígitos asignado específicamente al fabricante del producto. Los códigos de fabricante se mantienen y asignado por el Uniform Code Council (UCC) . Cada producto que el fabricante hace, lleva el código del fabricante del mismo. Por ejemplo, el código del fabricante para Kellogg es 38000. Cada producto de Kellogg hace lleva 38000 como el código del fabricante en el código de barras. El código del fabricante es de color amarillo en la "anatomía de un código de barras".
Código del producto: El código de producto es un número de cinco dígitos que el fabricante asigna para un producto particular. Cada producto diferente y cada envase o tamaño diferente, recibe un código de producto único. Por ejemplo, una botella de 16 oz de coque obtiene un código de producto diferente que una botella de 24 oz de coque. Por ejemplo: 13,5 oz Kellogg Rice Krispies de código de barras es 38000 90530 - 38000 es el código del fabricante para Kellogg y el 90530 es el código de producto para Rice Krispies 13.5 oz 16 oz de Kellogg Mini-Trigo es 38000 02720 - 38000 es el código de fabricante para Kellogg (el fabricante nunca cambia para los productos de Kellogg) y el 02720 es el código de producto de 16 oz Mini-Trigo. Un fabricante puede tener 99.999 códigos de productos únicos. El código de producto es de color naranja en la "anatomía de un código de barras".
Dígito de control: También llamada la "auto-check" dígito. El dígito de verificación está a la derecha fuera del código de barras. El dígito de control es un "viejo truco del programador" para validar los otros dígitos (número de caracteres del sistema, el código del fabricante y el código de producto) se han leído correctamente. El dígito de control es de color rojo en la "anatomía de un código de barras".
Cómo funciona el ordenador calulates el dígito de verificación:
  1. Agregue todos los impares dígitos. En nuestro "Anatomía de un código de barras" que añadiría 0 (sí, incluya el carácter del sistema dígitos) + 2 + 4 + 6 + 8 + 0 = 20
  2. Multiplicar la suma de la etapa 1 por 3. Nuestro ejemplo sería 20 x 3 = 60.
  3. Agregue todos los incluso números. En nuestro "Anatomía de un código de barras" nos gustaría añadir 1 + 3 + 5 + 7 + 9 = 25. No se incluye el 5 o el dígito de control, porque eso es lo que se está calculando.
  4. Ahora agregue el resultado del paso 2 y el paso 3. 60 + 25 = 85.
  5. El dígito de control es el número necesario a añadir al paso 4 para ser igual a un múltiplo de 10. 85 + 5 = 90. 5 es el dígito de control en nuestro ejemplo. Otra forma de calcular el dígito de control sería simplemente divida el número del paso 4 por 10. El resto es el dígito de control. Ejemplo 85/10 = 8,5
Se dará cuenta de que el precio no estaba incluido en el código de barras.
¿Dónde está el precio?
El precio se mantiene en la base de datos de la tienda electrónica centralizada. El almacén de la "base de datos de punto" contiene un registro para cada artículo de la tienda vende. El registro de ítem es "introducido" por el código del fabricante y el código de producto (mismos números que en el código de barras). El precio se mantiene para cada artículo en esta base de datos. Cuando el artículo es escaneado por el empleado, un programa de ordenador lee el código de barras. A continuación, convierte las "barras y espacios" en el fabricante y el producto "número digital". Usando el fabricante y el producto "número digital", el programa lee la tienda "base de datos del elemento". A continuación, recupera el precio de la "base de datos de partida" para ese artículo. Cuando cambia un precio, toda la tienda tiene que hacer es actualizarlo una vez en la base de datos almacena centralizado.
Es el número 666 "oculto" en el código de barras UPC?
Una de las acusaciones más populares e impactantes sobre el número "666" es el número "666" es secreto "oculto" en todos los códigos de barras UPC. Libro de Mary Stewart Relfe, "El Nuevo Sistema Monetario 666", publicado en 1982, es el "pionero" de la "666 en el código de barras UPC" enseñanza. Relfe libro contiene más de 50 páginas de doumentation excelente en el código de barras UPC. Descubrimiento Relfe se repite en muchas publicaciones de tocar la marca de la bestia, en los últimos quince años. Incluye folletos publicados por este autor.
He aquí algunas muestras:
Terry Cook, La Marca de el Nuevo Orden Mundial, 1996:"... Todo el sistema [código de barras UPC] es muy engañoso diseñado en torno a la configuración infame numérico, bíblicamente conocido como el 666, la marca del anticristo o el diablo (Apocalipsis 13:16-18) ..." (Terry Cook, La Marca de el Nuevo Orden Mundial, 1996, p. 376)
Bob Fraley, Los últimos días en Estados Unidos, 1984 :
"La interpretación de las marcas de código universal del producto es más revelador que en los tres números '666 'son los números clave de trabajo para cada código de producto diseñado Universal. Cada grupo de marcas de producto Código Universal tiene en él tres números no identificados. Estos tres números son 6, haciendo que el uso de los números '666 'clave para utilizar este sistema de identificación de marca ...
No hay ninguna desviación. Cada código de producto universal tiene tres marcas no identificados, cuyo número equivalente '6 'se codifica con el código '666'."(Bob Fraley, Los últimos días en Estados Unidos, 1984, p. 225, 228)
Así es como "descubrir" el "666 oculto en el código de barras UPC".
El "oculto" 666 en el código de barras
Observe los tres "barras de seguridad" (de color rojo) en el inicio, medio y fin. Ahora, observe el patrón misma barra ("barra-espacio-barra" o "101") para el número 6 (de color azul).
Por "mirar" en el código de barras de arriba, el número "666" claramente, parece estar allí. . .
Pero lo es?
Es el número 666 SINCERAMENTE "oculto" en el código de barras UPC?
Técnicamente, no, no lo es.
Aquí está el "técnico" verdad. . .
El número 6 y las tres barras de seguridad no son los mismos. Ellos se "parecen" ser idénticos, pero son diferentes.
Barras de seguridad y el número 6
B M 6
123 12345 1234567
101 01010 1010000
Notificación. Las barras de seguridad iniciales y finales son "barra-espacio-barra" o "101" (la B en la tabla anterior). La barra de protección del medio es "espacio-barra-espacio-barra-espacio" o "01010" (el M en la tabla anterior). El número seis es "1010000" (el 6 en la tabla anterior). Recuerde, técnicamente, un número de código de barras se compone de siete unidades. Las barras de seguridad iniciales y finales son sólo tres unidades y media barra de protección se encuentra a sólo cinco unidades.
Así que, técnicamente, desde la perspectiva de una computadora el número "666" no está en el código de barras UPC.
Pero. . .
Mira de nuevo. . . Las tres barras de seguridad contienen el patrón "barra-espacio-barra" o "101". Hay sólo un número, en veinte números (recordar números de derecha e izquierda tienen diferentes patrones) que contiene el "101" patrón y es que el número el código correcto SEIS. ¿No es el número uno, o dos, o tres, etc - pero sólo el código de derecho SEXTO. Me parece recordar algo acerca de una marca en la mano derecha (Rev. 13:16).
Técnicamente, desde la perspectiva de una computadora el número "666" no está en el código de barras UPC. . . sino desde la perspectiva de un ser humano - Sí, la "aparición" del 666 es allí!
¿Qué hace el inventor del código de barras UPC decir sobre el número "666" en el código de barras UPC?
El inventor del código de barras UPC es George J. Laurer. En 1971, mientras que el Sr. Laurer era un empleado de IBM, se le asignó la tarea de "diseñar el mejor código y símbolo adecuado para la industria de la alimentación". En 1973, el código de barras UPC Sr. Laurer entró en el mundo, y el resto es historia.
En el sitio web del Sr. Laurer , él tiene una "Preguntas" de la página, donde se responde a varias preguntas sobre el código de barras UPC. En la página "Preguntas" de la página, el Sr. Laurer responde a la "666" pregunta de la siguiente manera:
Pregunta # 8 - Corre el rumor de que las líneas (izquierda, centro y derecha) que sobresalen por debajo del código UPC son los números 6,6,6 ... y que este es el código internacional de dinero. He escrito un código con todos los seises y esto parece ser cierto. Por lo menos, todos se parecen a seis. ¿Qué pasa con eso?Respuesta-Sí, se parecen a los de código para un seis. Una paridad par 6 es:
1 módulo negro bar de ancho 1 módulo ancho espacio blanco 1 módulo ancho bar negro 4 módulo blanco amplio espacio
No hay nada siniestro en esto tampoco tiene nada que ver con la Biblia "marca de la bestia" (El Nuevo Testamento, el Apocalipsis, capítulo 13, párrafo 18).Es simplemente una coincidencia como el hecho de que mi primer nombre, segundo y apellido Todos tenemos 6 letras. No hay conexión con un código internacional de dinero tampoco. (De la web)
Incluso, el Sr. Laurer, el inventor del código de barras UPC admite: "Sí, se parecen a los de código para un seis".
De hecho, como hemos documentado - Seis es el número único que podían parecerse.
Seguramente pensaría que debido a las "conexiones anticristo" a "666" que habría elegido otro número además de '6 'al patrón de los tres "barras de seguridad" después?¿Por qué no 1 o 3, o 5, etc - pero cualquier número '666 ' . Seguramente sabían los cristianos, más pronto o más tarde, "descubrir" el claro "apariencia" de 666 en el código de barras UPC.
Tal vez no tenían otra opción?
Es el código de barras de la marca de la bestia?
En la película de 1993 británica, Naked , dirigida por Mike Leigh y protagonizada por David Thewlis, la conversación tiene lugar el siguiente:
"¿Cuál es la marca? Pues la marca de Brian, es el código de barras. ubitiqous El código de barras que puede encontrar en cada rollo de pantano, y cada paquete de Johnny y cada pastel poxie-pot. Y cada [improperio-eliminados] código de barras se dividen en dos partes por tres marcadores y los tres marcadores son siempre representados por el número seis. Seis-seis-seis. Ahora, ¿qué es lo que dice? Nadie podrá comprar o vender sin la marca. Y ahora lo que están planeando que ver con el fin de erradicar todo el fraude de tarjeta de crédito y con el fin de precipitar una sociedad totalmente sin dinero en efectivo. ¿Qué están planeando hacer, lo que ya han probado en las tropas estadounidenses, sino que vamos a tatuajes con láser por vía subcutánea esa marca en la mano derecha o en la frente. " ( Naked película británica de 1993, dirigida por Mike Leigh y protagonizada por David Thewlis)
No hay duda de Mary Stewart Relfe, autor de When Your Money falla, el "666" sistema "ya está aquí , y El Nuevo Sistema Monetario 666 , cree que el código de barras es la Marca de la Bestia.
Mary Stewart Relfe, cuando el dinero se produce un error ... El "666" sistema "ya está aquí, 1981

"Y hacía que a todos ... les pusiese una marca ..."
En griego esta palabra es marca charagma, que literalmente significa un sello, una huella, y se traduce marca. Nótese que Juan no dijo que hacía que a todos para recibir un número en la mano derecha o en la frente. Este profeta astuto podría haber ciertamente delineado entre una serie de números, y un sello o marca inexplicable. . .El mismo ojo electrónico que escanea la UPC marcas [códigos de barras] será en el futuro cercano escanear las marcas que serán requeridas para ser insertado en el cuerpo. . .
Aunque algunos detalles siguen siendo vagos, de esto estamos seguros:. Todo el comercio se llevará a cabo en un futuro próximo con un número, un nombre, o una marca de identificación en la mano o en la frente Es mi sincero deducción de que la marca "de la bestia "No será la inserción de números en sí en el cuerpo, pero de líneas verticales que representan mensajes codificados y dígitos. " (Mary Stewart Relfe, cuando el dinero no pasa la "666" sistema "ya está aquí, 1981, pp 56,57,58)
Mary Stewart Relfe, El Nuevo Sistema Monetario 666, 1982

"El Profeta Juan identificó este sistema Cashless de Comercio de hace 1900 años como un negocio en el que se negociados con un 'Mark' y un número, la marca será, evidentemente, un código de barras , el número será 666; 'la combinación de los dos, sobre los que vas a leer en este libro, será una parte integral del Sistema de '666 '...RECEPCIÓN DE LA PROPIA VOLUNTAD PROPIA la marca (señal) en la mano derecha o en la frente; que creo que va a ser un código de barras que incorpora un facsímil uso oculto de '666 ', ininteligible para el ojo,. . . "Mary Stewart Relfe, El Nuevo Sistema Monetario 666, 1982, pp xii, 206)
Una extraña coincidencia? sobre el código de barras es la palabra griega charagma traducido "marca" en el Apocalipsis. Así es como Robert Van Kampen, en La Señaldescribe este coincidentes:
"Es interesante notar que la palabra griega traducida como" marca "es charagma que viene de la palabra griega Charax , que significa "una empalizada, como una valla. Cuando uno se da cuenta de que esta palabra específica se utilizó en el siglo primero, y hoy vemos el uso del código de barras relacionados con la informática , nos encontramos con las posibilidades cada vez más una realidad en nuestra época. " (Robert Van Kampen, El Signo , 1992, p. 231)
Aquí está la explicación: El Griego "root" palabra por charagma (traducido como "marca") es Charax . Uno de los significados de Charax es "una empalizada", que es como un "líneas de la cerca de piquete, o vertical". La "idea" es decir, la razón Juan usó la palabra griega charagma , en lugar de estigma , etc, es porque él estaba describiendo una "marca" con líneas verticales - un "código de barras".
Pero, ¿es verdad todo esto?
Bueno, algo así. . .
Concordancia Exhaustiva de Strong de la Biblia, define la palabra charagma como:
5480 charagma , khar'-ag-mah , desde el mismo 5482 (Charax) un rasguño o grabado , es decir, estampilla (como una insignia de servidumbre), oesculpida figura ( estatua ): - escultura, marca.
Concordancia Exhaustiva de Strong de la Biblia, define la "raíz" palabra Charax como:
5482 Charax , khar'-az de charasso (para afilar a un punto, similar a 1125 a través de la idea de rascarse ), un juego , esto es (por impl.) una empalizada orampante (militar montículo de circunvalación en un asedio): - zanja.
1828 Diccionario americano Noah Webster del Idioma Inglés (! Una necesidad para cualquier estudiante serio de la Biblia) define empalizada como:
PALISADE, una cerca o fortificación formado por una hilera de estacas o postes afilados y establecer firmemente en el suelo. En la fortificación, los puestos se establecen dos o tres pulgadas de distancia, en paralelo al parapeto del camino cubierto, para evitar una sorpresa.
¿Significa todo esto "probar" Juan está describiendo un "código de barras"?
No. Por supuesto que no. Es un camino largo y pedregoso para viajar de "charagma" a un "código de barras".
Es el código de barras de la marca de la bestia?
Probablemente no.
Un código de barras sería un mal candidato para la marca de la bestia por las siguientes razones:
  1. La marca se describe específicamente en Apocalipsis 14:11 como "la marca de su nombre". Incluso la imaginación más salvaje tendría un tiempo muy difícil convertir un "código de barras" en "la marca de su nombre".
  2. En el mundo de "alto nivel" de seguridad e identificación, un código de barras no es demasiado fiable. La razón de la "auto-check" dígito en el código de barras es la probabilidad de que el escáner malinterpretando el código de barras. La próxima vez que vaya a través de la línea de alimentos contar la cantidad de "beeps" o malinterpreta el cajero recibe.
  3. Debido a que la piel humana se extiende, sería prácticamente imposible conseguir la precisión necesaria para un "fiable" código de barras. La piel se estira continuamente con la edad, el peso, la humedad, la exposición al sol, etc
  4. Hay mucho más fiable y más fácil de implementar la tecnología de códigos de barras, tales como identificadores biométricos o biochips, incluso.
  5. Un código de barras no coincide con la descripción bíblica de la Marca de la Bestia. Ver ¿Qué es el 666: La Marca de la Bestia? para más información.
Porter Lee Corporation ha inventado un sistema de código de barras para la identificación y registro de pruebas para los funcionarios encargados de hacer cumplir la ley.El título del sistema es interesante - BEAST - Bar estadísticas codificadas análisis de pruebas y el seguimiento.
Un fascinante desarrollo se llevó a cabo recientemente. El 2 de marzo de 1999, se emitió la patente 5.878.155 a Houston inventor Thomas W. Heeter descrito como un "Método para verificar la identidad humana durante las operaciones de venta electrónicos".
Patente Heeter de "abstracto", se lee:"Se presenta un método para facilitar las transacciones de venta por medios electrónicos. Un código de barras o un diseño está tatuado en un individuo. Antes de la operación de venta se consumó, el ​​tatuaje se escanea con un escáner. Características sobre el tatuaje escaneada se comparan con las características sobre otros tatuajes almacenados en una base de datos con el fin de verificar la identidad del comprador. Una vez verificado, el vendedor puede ser autorizado a debitar de la cuenta del comprador bancaria electrónica con el fin de consumar la transacción. cuenta del vendedor bancaria electrónica, podrán estar actualizada. "
Heeter invención está dirigida hacia el mundo en pleno auge de Internet E-commerce. En un futuro muy cercano, muchos productos se pueden adquirir de comercio electrónico a través de Internet. WorldNet Daily escribe: "... de internet e-commerce figuras en espiral hacia arriba, y el mercado europeo se espera que supere a la comunidad en línea de EE.UU. en un par de años, el potencial de ventas en línea han sido proyectados para llegar a casi US $ 1 billón para el 2003". (WorldNet Daily, 30 de septiembre de 1999)
¿El código de barras allanando el camino a 666: la marca de la bestia?
Sí. El código de barras, sin duda, está allanando el camino para el 666: la Marca de la Bestia.
El código de barras hizo algo muy importante para ayudar a traer 666: La marca de la Bestia. . .
El código de barras abierto la puerta (de hecho, no sólo la abrió de una patada la puerta abajo) para el "mundo digital". Todo es ahora un número. Todo se pone un código de barras. Como alguien realmente dijo: "Si es que existe, códigos de barras en ella". Recuerdo cuando primero comenzaron a aparecer los códigos de barras. Empecé a decirle a la gente en ese entonces, el código de barras se preparaba el mundo para 666: La Marca de la Bestia. ¿Fue alguna vez rieron. . . incluso por los cristianos. Aún recuerdo su risa y burla, "¿Quieres decirme, todo es cada una de esas" marcas ". Quiere decir, voy a ir hasta el local" 7-Eleven "y tendrán escáneres láser y que van a explorar estas "marcas". De ninguna manera. Sería demasiado obvio lo que estaba sucediendo. Todo el mundo sabría la marca de la bestia está llegando ".
Pero no es sorprendente 25 años después. . . y nadie da las "misteriosas" códigos de barras incluso un "segundo pensamiento".
Satanás con mucho cuidado y sutileza (ver Génesis 3:1 y 2 Cor. 11:3) nos adoctrina a nuestro maravilloso, cómodo y nuevo "mundo digital".
Y el camino hacia el 666 es justo delante. . .
READ MORE - ¿Qué pasa con los códigos de barras y 666: La Marca de la Bestia?


We must now show that the papacy is the most deadly enemy the United States will ever have to face. This fact is virtually unknown among the people. Using the utmost secrecy to conceal her plans, the papacy, through her facade of religion, has for many decades been infiltrating the United States in all levels of government. As a result, the United States will soon lose its constitution and become a tyrannical, persecuting power.
For many decades the papacy has been laying plans for the takeover of the United States. This goal of the papacy is clearly stated in Charles Chiniquy’s book Fifty Years in the Church of Rome.
We are determined . . . to take possession of the United States, and rule them; but we cannot do that without acting secretly and with utmost wisdom. If our plans become known, they will surely be defeated. — Charles Chiniquy, Fifty Years in the Church of Rome, The Wickliffe Press, Protestant truth Society, Wickliffe Avenue, 104 Hendon Lane, Finchley, London, N3., 1885, p. 373.
On page 374 of this book we read:
How sad will their awakening be, when, with our out-numbering votes, we will turn them, for ever, from every position of honor, power and profit! What will those hypocritical and godless sons and daughters of the fanatical Pilgrim Fathers say, when not a single judge, not a single teacher, not a single policeman will be elected if he be not a devoted . . . Roman Catholic? What will those so-called giants think of their matchless shrewdness and ability, when not a single Senator or member of Congress will be chosen, if he be not submitted to our holy father the Pope? What a sad figure those Protestant Yankees will cut when we will not only elect the President, but fill and command the armies, man the navies, and hold the keys of the public treasury?
Then, yes! then, we will rule the United States, and lay them at the feet of the Vicar of Jesus Christ [the pope], that he may put an end to their godless system of education, and sweep away those impious laws of liberty of conscience which are an insult to God and man!
. . . The American people must be very blind indeed, if they do not see that if they do nothing to prevent it, the day is very near when the Jesuits will rule their country, from the magnificent White House at Washington, to the humblest civil and military department of this vast Republic. — ibid, p. 374.
As we have seen, when they say Vicar of Jesus Christ, they mean the pope.
Here is a statement from the same book that shows the power these people have already amassed in the United States.
The Jesuits of the United States form one of the richest and most powerful corporations the world ever saw. — ibid, p. 375.
The papacy is by far the wealthiest institution on earth.
Jesus, the founder of Christianity, was the poorest of the poor. Roman Catholicism, which claims to be His church, is the richest of the rich. — Avro Manhattan, The Vatican Billions, Chick Publications, p. 17.
The Catholic church is the biggest financial power, wealth accumulator and property owner in existence. She is a greater possessor of material riches than any other single institution, corporation, bank, giant trust, government or state of the whole globe. — Jack Chick, Smokescreens, Chick Publications, Chapter 10.
Very few people know anything about the Jesuits because of their extreme secrecy. Here is a description of them from the book The Great Controversy that shows the abominable character and deceptiveness of the pope’s Jesuits.
Throughout Christendom, Protestantism was menaced by formidable foes. The first triumphs of the Reformation past, Rome summoned new forces, hoping to accomplish its destruction. At this time the order of the Jesuits was created, the most cruel, unscrupulous, and powerful of all the champions of popery. Cut off from earthly ties and human interests, dead to the claims of natural affection, reason and conscience wholly silenced, they knew no rule, no tie, but that of their order, and no duty but to extend its power. The gospel of Christ had enabled its adherents to meet danger and endure suffering, undismayed by cold, hunger, toil, and poverty, to uphold the banner of truth in face of the rack, the dungeon, and the stake. To combat these forces, Jesuitism inspired its followers with a fanaticism that enabled them to endure like dangers, and to oppose to the power of truth all the weapons of deception. There was no crime too great for them to commit, no deception too base for them to practice, no disguise too difficult for them to assume. Vowed to perpetual poverty and humility, it was their studied aim to secure wealth and power, to be devoted to the overthrow of Protestantism, and the re-establishment of the papal supremacy.
When appearing as members of their order, they wore a garb of sanctity, visiting prisons and hospitals, ministering to the sick and the poor, professing to have renounced the world, and bearing the sacred name of Jesus, who went about doing good. But under this blameless exterior the most criminal and deadly purposes were often concealed. It was a fundamental principle of the order that the end justifies the means. By this code, lying, theft, perjury, assassination, were not only pardonable but commendable, when they served the interests of the church. Under various disguises the Jesuits worked their way into offices of state, climbing up to be the counselors of kings, and shaping the policy of nations. They became servants to act as spies upon their masters. They established colleges for the sons of princes and nobles, and schools for the common people; and the children of Protestant parents were drawn into an observance of popish rites. All the outward pomp and display of the Romish worship was brought to bear to confuse the mind and dazzle and captivate the imagination, and thus the liberty for which the fathers had toiled and bled was betrayed by the sons. The Jesuits rapidly spread themselves over Europe, and wherever they went, there followed a revival of popery. — E. G. White, The Great Controversy, pp. 234, 235, 1911, Pacific Press Publishing Assn.
Today the pope’s Jesuits are not only entrenched at the highest levels of all branches and departments of the U.S. Government, but they are also entrenched at the highest levels of virtually all the major corporations and industries in the United States. The Jesuits are the major stockholders of many of the largest corporations. They own 51% of the stock in Bank of America for instance. And because the papacy is a so-called church, they pay not one penny of taxes. Because they are a so-called church, they are able to operate internationally outside of the laws and legal proceedings everyone else must follow.
Here are a few of the Jesuit-controlled corporations that totally support their Jesuits in congress and the government: American Airlines, TWA, Anheuser Busch, AT&T, Bell Atlantic, Boeing, Cigna, Coca-Cola, Daimler Chrysler, Exxon, Shell, Ford Motor Company, General Electric, Hewlett-Packard, Home Depot, May Company, McDonald’s, Motorola, Philip Morris, Price-Waterhouse, Rite Aid, RJR Nabisco, Sony Corp. of America, Texaco, United Parcel Service, Walt Disney Company, and Wells Fargo.
These corporations give their Jesuit senators and congressmen in both the Democratic and Republican parties many thousands of dollars for their election campaigns. These senators and congressmen are the most radical and dangerous this country has ever had. They do everything they can to pass laws and regulations prohibited by our constitution, laws designed to destroy the United States, to eliminate freedom, and to convert the United States into a ruthless tyranny. They lie constantly to to deceive the people so they will go along with the laws and regulations they want to pass.
Everyone in high positions in the government takes a solemn oath to uphold and obey the Constitution, but nearly all of them totally ignore the Constitution. The president issues executive orders that are totally unconstitutional, and Congress passes laws that the Constitution specifically forbids. Our God-given Constitution is the reason the United States has become the greatest country in the world, but it is being thoroughly undermined today by the Jesuits in government as they work to destroy the United States.
The laws and regulations they pass are designed to export the industrial and manufacturing base of the United States to other countries. They are designed to destroy our energy base by restricting oil prospecting, fuel production, and nuclear power plants. The Jesuits in the House, Senate and regulating agencies restrict the private use of land with nonsensical environmental rules and regulations. They pass laws and regulations about what is “proper” to be taught in schools so that children will grow up being extremely ignorant under the banner of being educated.
The Jesuits are not recognized by the general populace because of their treachery and secrecy. They tell no one that they are Jesuits. They even belong to other churches, other organizations, and other cultures, that they have infiltrated, to hide their identity and to control these organizations.
There are millions and millions of the pope’s Jesuits. They are everywhere. They are into everything. They are into every major organization, and control nearly every political organization and government in the world. Because of the Jesuits’ extreme secrecy, many of these organizations and governments are totally unaware that they are being infiltrated and controlled.
It is easy to identify the Jesuits and the Jesuit puppets in the United States Congress, because they are the ones that continually try to get all kinds of laws passed that require exactly the opposite from what the Constitution says. They continually pass laws that restrict the liberty of the citizens of the country. They continually pass laws to regulate every aspect of life in the United States. They continually pass laws that restrict freedom of speech such as the Campaign Finance Reform Act. Incidentally, they always use names for these laws that will sound good to the American people, but rarely indicate what is in the law. They use every means they can to deceive the people of the country.
The Jesuits continually try to pass restrictive gun legislation. The second amendment to the Constitution says, “the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.” Every gun law that congress has ever passed is a direct violation of the United States’ Constitution. Because of the crime and terrorism in our country today, and because of the government and media propaganda against guns, people are made to believe that these laws are necessary.
When the citizens of a nation are armed, where their right to own guns is not infringed, the crime rate is extremely low.
Every man in Switzerland, for instance, is required to have guns in his home, including assault rifles. Crime in Switzerland is almost non-existent. In states and cities in America that allow people to carry guns, the crime rate is extremely low.
During World War Two, Hitler wanted to invade Switzerland. The Swiss told him that he could send his army across the border, but none of his officers would return. Hitler gave the order to invade Switzerland several times, but his officers refused to obey. Switzerland remained safely neutral all during the war because Hitler could not overcome the guns in the hands of Swiss private citizens. No dictator wants to be the dictator of a nation with 200 million guns around.
Christians generally do not want to have anything to do with guns, because a Christian would never take the life of another individual. It is not the USE of the guns that keeps the crime rate low; it is just the fact that the guns are there, and the criminals and would-be dictators know that the guns are there. That knowledge keeps them at bay.
In order to motivate the people of the United States to give up their guns, the Jesuits stage shootings periodically to show how “dangerous” guns are. These shootings occur in the most emotional places such as schools where children die. But Waco shows what will happen when only the government has guns. Some 86 children died a torturous death at Waco at the hands of the government.
The USA Patriot act of 2001 is in almost total violation of the constitution, requiring many of the regulations Nazi Germany and communist Russia had. When all the requirements of this act are implemented, the citizens of this country will rue the day they ever allowed such a monstrosity to become law. Jesuits in the government were responsible for this act and forced its passage. They forced a vote on this act without giving the congressmen and senators an opportunity to read it! Why didn't the congressmen and senators have the good sense to vote “no” and defeat this act since they were never able to read it?
The Homeland Security Act of 2002 is another act that was passed to take away freedom and security in the United States and is in total violation of the constitution. As all the requirements of these acts become implemented, the people of the country will learn first-hand how it feels to have absolutely no freedom. These and other laws and regulations on the books will, when implemented, convert the United States into a more ruthless police state than was Nazi Germany or communist Russia and Red China.
Today, the United States is run and controlled by its most dedicated enemies. If you wonder at the things the government and the people in control of the government do that are so damaging to the United States, it is because they are our enemies and are determined to destroy the United States. Treason is running rampant throughout all levels and branches of the U.S. government today.
A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banners openly against the city. But the traitor moves among those within the gates freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears no traitor; he speaks in the accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their garments and he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation; he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of a city; he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. — Marcus Cicero, speaking to Caesar, Crassus, Pompey and the Roman Senate.
Many wonder today why the Republican party does nothing to defeat the treasonous schemes of the Democrats. It is because the pope’s Jesuits have thoroughly infiltrated the Republican party as well as the Democratic party. Many wonder why the news media lie so much to support and protect the Democrats. It is because the pope’s Jesuits have thoroughly infiltrated the news media. The news media and schools and colleges, with their lies and propaganda, have so conditioned the people of the country that they are unable to recognize what has been done to them. Victory for the Jesuits seems very near. The Jesuits are like a cancer that has pervaded nearly every fiber of the society of the United States. We are being defeated by the enemy within.
For many years the Jesuits have prevented the United States from developing additional sources of energy within its own territory. Exploiting the vast oilfields on the Alaskan north slope, that probably contain more oil than the entire middle east, is forbidden. New nuclear power plants, the safest source of electric energy ever discovered, are not permitted. There is no end to the lies people have been made to believe about Nuclear energy. The environment is used as the club to subdue the people of the country into going along with this idiocy. Modern technology is able to develop these sources of power without any damage to the environment. France gets 80% of its power from nuclear power plants without any problems. Needless to say, without sufficient energy, the United States will not be able to defend itself. All the papacy has to do is cut off the oil supply from the middle east.
The United States is now starting to feel the pinch of the energy shortage the Jesuits have created. People have experienced blackouts over large areas as power is shut off to stay within the limits of generating capacity. Today, instead of constructing additional nuclear power plants, some of these plants are being dismantled! Will the people of the United States be able to wake up in time to prevent the coming national tragedy?
Not only in the United States is this treachery being perpetrated by the papacy, but they are secretly at work all over the world to subvert all the nations of the world. Charles Chiniquy continues:
Rome is in constant conspiracy against the rights and liberties of man all over the world; but she is particularly so in the United States. Long before I was ordained a priest I knew that my Church was the most implacable enemy of this Republic. My professors of philosophy, history, and theology had been unanimous in telling me that the principles and laws of the Church of Rome were absolutely antagonistic to the laws and principles that are the foundation stones of the Constitution of the United States.
1st. The most sacred principle of the United States Constitution is the equality of every citizen before the law. But the fundamental principle of the Church of Rome is the denial of that [e]quality.
2nd. Liberty of conscience is proclaimed by the United States a most sacred principle, which every citizen must uphold . . . . But liberty of conscience is declared by all the Popes and Councils of Rome, a most godless, unholy, and diabolical thing, which every good Catholic must abhor and destroy at any cost.
3rd. The American Constitution assures the absolute independence of the civil from the ecclesiastical or Church power; but the Church of Rome declares, through all her Pontiffs and Councils, that such independence is an impiety and a revolt against God.
4th. The American Constitution leaves every man free to serve God according to the dictates of his conscience; but the -r--ch of Rome declares that no man has ever had such a right, and that the Pope alone can know and say what man must believe and do. — Charles Chiniquy, Fifty Years in the Church of Rome, The Wickliffe Press, Protestant truth Society, Wickliffe Avenue, 104 Hendon Lane, Finchley, London, N3., 1885, p. 375.
And when the papacy takes over there will be bloodshed.
The Church of Rome says that she has a right to punish with the confiscation of their goods, or the penalty of death, those who differ in faith from the Pope. — ibid, p. 376.
America simply has no idea of the terrible trouble and persecution that is coming soon at the hands of the papacy. The people of America have forgotten the wanton cruelty and unrestrained butchery this unholy power demonstrated during the Dark Ages when it slaughtered over 150 million Christians because they wanted to worship God according to the Bible. Hitler’s holocaust against the Jews was tiny compared to the papal holocaust against Christians during the Dark Ages, and the Jesuit-controlled news media never mention these atrocities.
The papacy’s slaughter of Christians continues to this day. Since the papacy is a small country with little military capability, they always beguile other nations to do their fighting for them. Today the United States is their favorite bully. Thus, they are never directly involved, and people do not realize who is behind the wars, the trouble, and the terrorism. Avro Manhattan’s book, The Vatican’s Holocaust, describes in detail the papacy’s continuing slaughter of millions of Christians in the 20th century. At the time of this writing, the complete text of The Vatican’s Holocaust is available on the internet for downloading at:
The slaughter in Bosnia, Kosovo, Serbia, Croatia and others is a direct result of the Vatican’s involvement in this area, but you will never hear about it because the Jesuit-controlled news media not only refuse to mention it but they lie about the situation to keep the papacy from being suspected of her true involvement.
The Jesuits seem to have a code that guides their every action. that code is: “Call your enemy what you are and always tell the exact opposite of the truth.” This makes it very difficult to counter their lies and explain clearly and understandably what they are actually doing.
And now the world has terrorism to a degree that was unimaginable before the destruction of the World Trade Center’s twin towers in New York City where nearly 4,000 people lost their lives. This terrorism is part of the plan the Jesuits are implementing to scare the American people into giving up their freedoms, and it is working. The Bible says in Revelation 18:24 that the papacy is responsible for “. . . the blood of . . . all that were slain upon the earth.” Evidence strongly indicates that Muslims highjacked the airliners and flew them into the towers. Thus we have rather strong evidence that the papacy’s Jesuits have even been able to infiltrate the Muslims. Remember that the papacy and the Jesuits have been at this business for many hundreds of years. Remember, also, that we saw that no disguise is too difficult for them to assume.
Let us now consider some of the tactics the papacy is using to subvert the United States. Just because they call themselves a church does not mean that they are honest or honorable. Remember that Satan, the devil, gave the papacy their power and great authority (Revelation 13:2). The Catholics, through their Jesuits, are working to accomplish the exact opposite from what the Catholic Church claims they stand for. For instance, the church claims to be against abortion, but their Jesuits, working in secrecy and masquerading as regular citizens in the government, work to pass laws and make judicial rulings permitting abortion. They have their right hand fighting their left hand to thoroughly confuse the people of the United States and to keep the people from ever connecting this evil conspiracy with them. Here is another example. The pope gets on television and, acting very piously, prays for peace, while his Jesuits are behind the scenes stirring up all kinds of wars, conflicts and terrorism in the world.
The papacy has made colossal fools of untold millions of people down through history, and it is still doing so today.
The Jesuits are making a dedicated effort in the United States to degrade the morality of the people of the country, to destroy family life, and to destroy all the traditional values that made this country the greatest nation in the world. This is being done by the abominable subjects being taught in government schools and colleges. It is being done by history courses that teach from revisionist history books containing many more lies than the truth. It is being done with pornographic sex education courses in the schools. It is being done with the destruction of religious values and the law of God, the Ten Commandments. It is being done by television programs, where entertainment is watching people break God’s law. The natural result is a drastic increase in crime. Acts of the most abominable and shocking character are daily perpetrated within this country. The murder of one and a half million unborn babies in this country each year is one result of the demoralization of this nation.
The Jesuits are also flooding the United States with aliens, most of which are Catholic. Not only are we being defeated by the Jesuit enemy within, we are constantly being invaded by an army of aliens from without. These aliens dilute the traditional American society that understands our Constitution and how it works. This makes it much easier for the Jesuits in congress to pass the unconstitutional laws so damaging to the United States. And, of course, along with these aliens come the people who actually blow up the buildings.
There is talk in Washington of giving illegal aliens amnesty again, and also of converting our southern border into a “regional power block” where the area within 100 miles on either side of the border between Mexico and the United States would be administered jointly by Mexico and the U.S. The Jesuits are working to “eradicate the borders that separate Canada, Mexico, and the United States as part of a larger design to create a regional political and economic bloc duplicating the European Union.”  The New American, October 8, 2001.
There is also talk of putting Mexican citizens in Mexico on United States’ Social Security payments. The purpose of this, along with all the wars and police-keeping actions the U.S. military is into and all the welfare the government pays for, is to completely bankrupt the United States.
Pushed by the Mexican government, the Bush administration is working on a Social Security accord that would put tens of thousands of Mexicans [in Mexico] onto the Social Security roster and send hundreds of millions of dollars in benefits south of the border. — Jonathan Weisman,The Washington Post, Dec. 19, 2002.
Since the Jesuits beguiled the United States into giving the Panama Canal to the Red Chinese, there are now over 200,000 Red Chinese in the Canal Zone. This portends extremely serious problems for both the United States and Panama. A large percentage of Panamanian citizens want the U.S. to come back and restore the Canal Zone as before. Incidentally, the treaty giving the canal to Panama was never properly ratified. There were two versions of the treaty: an English version and a Spanish version. These two versions were NOT the same. The Senate ratified one version and the Panamanians ratified the other version. And the treason goes on and on.
The Bible predicts what is going to happen to the United States.
There are two beasts (powers) described in the thirteenth chapter of Revelation. The first has been shown to be the papacy, the Roman Catholic Church. The description of the second beast begins with Revelation 13:11. “And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spoke as a dragon.”
The sea in Bible prophecy, you will remember, represents multitudes of people. The ascent of the first beast, the papacy, from the “sea” indicates that this power arose from the populated areas of Europe. The ascent of the second beast of Revelation 13 from the “earth” indicates that this power had its beginning in a sparsely populated area of the globe.
The previous verse, verse ten, gives us an indication of the time when this second beast was arising, for it refers to the deadly wound of verse three that the papacy received in the year 1798. “He that leads into captivity shall go into captivity: he that kills with the sword must be killed with the sword.” Verse eleven, then, describes the ascent of this second beast at that time.
What nation was coming to power in the world around 1798 in a sparsely populated area of the world when the papacy received its deadly wound? The only nation coming to power at that time was the United States of America. The North American continent was then a very sparsely populated area of the globe. Consider the beast that is used to represent the United States. It has two horns like a lamb. What beast other than a lamb has two small lamb-like horns? The obvious answer is the bison, or buffalo, as it is more commonly referred to. The buffalo, whose habitat is the North American continent, appeared for many years as a symbol on United States nickels.
The two lamb-like horns of this beast symbolized the kind, gracious, and gentle nature of this country when it was young. That the horns had no crowns symbolized the great religious and political liberty available to all under the United States Constitution. The horns without crowns represented a nation without a king and a church without a pope. The powerful buffalo symbolized the superior strength of the United States. On American money the message of her trust in God was proclaimed, and the great blessing of God rested upon this country.
Alexis de Tocqueville, a young French philosopher of the last century, came to our shores to discover what magical quality enabled a handful of people to defeat the mighty British Empire twice in 35 years. He looked for the greatness of America in her fertile soil, her limitless forests and natural resources. He examined America’s schools, her Congress and her unique Constitution without fully understanding the source of America’s strength.
It was not, he said later, until he went to the churches of America and found congregations aflame with righteousness, that he began to comprehend the secret of this power. Upon his return to France, de Tocqueville wrote: “America is great because America is good, and if America ever ceases to be good, America will cease to be great.” — Des Griffin, Descent into Slavery?, 1980, p. 267, Emissary Publications, 9205 S. E. Clackamas Rd., Clackamas, Oregon 97015, 503-824-2050, e-mail: midnight@midnight-emissary.com.
The United States was the champion of liberty and freedom throughout the world. Before this time no nation in history ever had a written constitution that guaranteed the liberty and freedom of its people. But the glorious beginning of this country was to be corrupted in later years. The gentle, gracious, freedom-loving character of the United States in its youth was later used as a facade to hide the character that this country subsequently developed. This facade has successfully kept hidden, even from most of its own citizens, the real character the United States developed in these last days as a result of Jesuit infiltration and subversion.
Revelation 13:11 tells us that this country will speak as a dragon. We saw that the dragon is Satan. How does the dragon speak? John 8:44 tells us, “You are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father you will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.” The devil is a liar. There is no truth in him. This great country, that began so beautifully by upholding the principles of morality and freedom, speaks, as Revelation 13:11 says, “as a dragon.” In these last days, the United States lies to the entire world, just as the dragon, the devil, does. The United States in these latter days deceives with a skill nearly equal to that of the devil himself, just as the Bible predicted, for the devil is using this country to play a major part in the disastrous events soon to take place. Most of its citizens readily believe the lies of this second beast, the United States.
Why does a country lie? Why does a person lie? Why does Satan lie? Lies are obviously used to deceive and to keep the truth from being known. Countries (and people) lie because a knowledge of their activities will hurt or embarrass them, or will prevent them from carrying out their sinister purposes. The fact that the United States speaks as the dragon shows that its government is engaged in criminal activities that its citizens and the rest of the world must not find out about. There are many thousands of examples of our government’s lying that could be discussed, but only two well-known examples will be considered here.
Perhaps the best known example of the United States government’s lies is our servicemen missing in action from the Vietnam and previous wars. Many very reliable reports of sightings have been documented, and photographs of men still alive have surfaced, but the government continues to lie about these men, claiming that they are all dead. How cruel it is for our government to simply abandon these men to rot in communist prisons for so many years after they risked their lives fighting in a war many of them felt was unjustifiable.
The second example of the United States lying to the world is the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. Many books have been written about the assassination that have put the lie to the official government version of what happened. The movie JFK very forcefully exposes the lies of the official government version of what happened and, along with many books on the assassination, shows that the assassination of President Kennedy was planned and organized at the highest levels of the U. S. Government. If the government has nothing to hide concerning this assassination, why were all the pertinent official documents of the assassination locked up until far into the twenty-first century? (Note: It is very unfortunate that the movie JFK used such revolting language and depicted such abominable scenes to tell the story of the assassination.)
Motion pictures were taken of President Kennedy during the assassination by one of the bystanders, a Mr. Zapruder. These pictures, which were locked in a vault for five years after the murder, show that the Warren Report could not possibly be true. The first time the American public got a look at these pictures was in the movie JFK. Why were the American people not permitted to view Mr. Zapruder’s film earlier? Because the people would realize that the Government was lying.
Later there was a congressional investigation of the assassination. The results of this investigation were also locked away so the citizens could not learn the truth about this murder. Why, unless the government has something to hide and has been lying to the people.
Presidential candidates and most other politicians running for office seem to be very proficient at lying. The news media lie almost continually to manipulate the people of the country.
Consider all the lies that were told about the Waco massacre and all the lies told about the many scandals of the Clinton administration. Other well-known subjects that the government continues to lie about are the destruction of the Federal Building in Oklahoma City, and the destruction of the World Trade Center towers in New York City.
Because of all the trouble and crime in society that the papacy’s subversion of the United States has caused, the papacy will use the backlash against the crime and trouble to have the government pass laws that enforce the papacy’s policies. As people come to a general realization that civilization simply cannot ignore God and morality and have any semblance of order and happiness, they will insist that the government pass laws to restore morality and decency in society. The French realized this after three and a half years of the unbridled excesses of the French Revolution. The French people found that they simply could not reject the Bible, and the government passed laws allowing the return of the Scriptures and religious freedom. Incidentally, the French Revolution was the result of the people of France rebelling against the iron handed rule of the papacy.
When the people of the United States, led by the papacy, become aware that the cause of all the trouble and problems in society is the disregard of religious morality, they will pressure Congress to pass laws supposedly to try to reverse decades of damage to the United States. Unfortunately these laws will be designed to legislate morality as defined by the papacy. If a society is going to have moral principles, it will be because of proper education, not legislation.
These religious laws that the United States is going to pass in the near future will cause the events of Revelation 13:12 to occur. “And he exercises all the power of the first beast before him, and causes the earth and them that dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed.”
Here we see that the United States will soon exercise all the power of the first beast, the papacy, and cause the people of earth to worship the papacy. What could the United States do that would force people to worship the papacy? In direct defiance of the Constitution, the United States will pass laws demanding obedience to papal religious requirements.
We have seen that Sunday observance was instituted by the papacy and that those who observe Sunday according to papal dictates instead of God’s Sabbath, Saturday, are worshiping the papacy. The United States, therefore, will pass laws requiring her citizens to observe Sunday as the day to be kept holy! (Remember that the pope’s Jesuits have been infiltrating the U. S. Government and other organizations for many decades.) That such a law would be passed in America may seem very unlikely at this time; nevertheless this is Bible prophecy and it will, indeed, be fulfilled exactly as verse twelve indicates. Actually, such laws are not as farfetched as they might seem. Many states now have Sunday laws on the books. These laws, usually referred to as “blue laws,” demand the closure of certain businesses on Sunday.
Today the papacy and her many daughter religions, including non-Christian religions and the New Age movement, are working to consolidate the churches of the world into a single worldwide religion. Because of all the crime and violence in society and the world, and because of the increasingly heavy hand of government regulation and taxes, the people will come to realize that they need the restraints of religion in order to preserve freedom and order, and they will combine the false religions of the world into a vast one-world ecumenical religion that the Bible refers to as the false prophet. Revelation 16:13,14 and other verses mention this false prophet. “And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon [Satan], and out of the mouth of the beast [the Catholic Church], and out of the mouth of the false prophet [ecumenical protestantism]. For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles, that go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty.”
The Sunday law will be one of the results of this false ecumenical religion. The people will mistakenly pressure government to go against the first amendment to the Constitution and legislate religious doctrine — in this case false religious doctrine.
The last issue of contention in this world will be over religion, specifically over which is the proper day on which to worship — Saturday, God’s holy Sabbath day, or Sunday, the day set up by the papacy — and we will soon witness religious persecution worse than the world has ever seen.
Because of its position of leadership that the United States enjoys in the world, and because of the Jesuit influence, the rest of the world will follow its example and will also pass religious laws requiring Sunday observance. The papacy will be the driving force behind this great Sunday movement. Satan and the papacy know that the scheme to establish a political New World Order through the United Nations to take over the world will not work. Through use of the trouble caused by trying to institute the New World Order, trouble caused by atheism, liberalism, socialism, radicalism, and terrorism, they are conditioning the world for these worldwide religious laws, especially the Sunday laws.
Continuing with the prophecy, Revelation 13:13 shows that the United States will dazzle the world with its great feats. “And he does great wonders, so that he makes fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men.” Has the United States ever made fire come down from heaven in the sight of the whole world? During the Second World War this country dropped atomic bombs on two cities in Japan, and fire, indeed, came down from heaven. The reference to “great wonders” refers to the exalted level of technological excellence this country enjoys and the scientific marvels this country has accomplished.
Further describing the United States, Revelation 13:14 says, “And deceives them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles that he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, that had the wound by a sword, and did live.”
An image is a copy, a duplication. The first beast, the papacy, is a union of church and state; the armies and police power of the state carry out the demands and dictates of the church as in the Dark Ages. This union of church and state will be duplicated by the United States. Catholics and other religious denominations in the United States will join together in a great ecumenical alliance and will pass religious laws including the national Sunday law. When this happens, the United States will repudiate its glorious beginning of total civil and religious freedom and will become a union of church and state in a vain attempt to dictate morality to its citizens. The United States will use its police power to enforce obedience to the doctrines and dictates of this great ecumenical alliance, thus becoming the image of the beast. We see this beginning to happen today as the so-called religious right becomes more powerful.
Before the end comes, this country will repudiate every principle of its Constitution. The injunction of the first amendment to the Constitution prohibiting the government from making any religious laws will not prevent this prophecy from being realized, and the fires of religious persecution will again be kindled. Those who insist on keeping God’s Sabbath day, Saturday, holy according to the Fourth Commandment will suffer severe persecution, as the following verse shows.
Revelation 13:15: “And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.” Thus, we see that in America the true Christians who continue to keep Saturday, God’s Sabbath day, holy will be in danger of losing their lives. As impossible as this sounds to us today, remember that the unconditional prophecies of the Bible never fail. Many of us will live to witness this persecution, that will eventually become so severe that it will be a matter of life or death, and many people will be killed. “. . . The time will come, that whoever kills you will think that he does God service.” (John 16:2)
We have recently seen the colossal abuse of governmental power against a religious sect in Waco, Texas. Consider how much of our Constitution had been repudiated in that fiasco. Without due process of law and without a trial, many people including women and young children were murdered in this despicable abuse of power by our government, that was shockingly similar to the Gestapo tactics used in Hitler’s Germany. Virtually every thing the government and the news media said about this sect and the military operation in Waco was a lie, told to try to justify the government’s actions. Before the government was finished with this operation, they tried to bulldoze all the evidence into oblivion.
Satan is planning to cause unbelievable trouble on the earth. This trouble will take many forms, from calamities of nature to political and civil unrest. The increase in the frequency and severity of earthquakes, hurricanes and tornadoes testifies that this trouble is already starting. Eventually the people who keep God’s Sabbath day holy will be blamed for this trouble. The claim will be made that God is angry because this small group of people refuses to obey the Sunday law. People will claim that the trouble is the result, and if the world were rid of the Sabbath-keepers the trouble would cease. Thus the Sabbath-keepers, God’s true people, are to be killed.
Satan has been trying for nearly 6,000 years to get mankind to break God’s laws. He has tried enticement with sinful pleasures. He has tried deception to convince mankind that the wrong way is the correct way. He has infiltrated his ministers (Jesuits) into the churches. He has used force. He used communism in an attempt to remove all traces of the Word of God from the earth. But no matter what he has done, there have always been a few people who have been true to God. In these last days of earth’s history the devil is getting desperate, for he knows that he is going to die, and he can see that his end is very near. “Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knows that he has but a short time.” (Revelation 12:12). Once more, in desperation, Satan is going to employ force, this time to a degree never before attempted, in an effort to exterminate every one of Christ’s true Sabbath-keeping Christians.
Tactics that the United States will use in this religious persecution to suppress liberty of conscience are described in Revelation 13:16,17: “And he causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.” The mark of the beast; what is it?
Great economic pressure will be brought to bear on the people who remain true to God and who continue to observe Saturday, His holy Sabbath day. These people will be totally isolated economically from society. They will not be able to hold a job; they will not be able to buy groceries; they will not be able to sell anything in order to obtain food or anything else they need unless they reject God and start keeping Sunday. They will be under extreme pressure to yield their faith to the papacy and to the devil, for the entire world will be arrayed against them. Imagine what life will be like for these people who refuse to receive the mark of the beast. This will be a time of severe trouble, and many who are not sincere will succumb to this extreme economic pressure. Then, since some will remain true to God and continue to obey His Fourth Commandment and keep Saturday, His Sabbath day, holy, the ultimate punishment will be decreed: these people shall be put to death.
On the other hand, God’s warning against receiving the mark of the beast is the most severe warning given in the entire Bible. It is found in Revelation 14:9-11. “And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand, The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, that is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb: And the smoke of their torment ascends up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whoever receives the mark of his name.”
Those who receive the mark of the beast will continue to lead normal lives for a short time before the time of trouble begins. They will be able to go to work and buy the necessities and comforts of life, but they will not be able to face the Lord Jesus when He returns to this earth.
What is the mark of the beast? Let us ask the beast what his mark is.
Of course the Catholic Church claims that the change [from Saturday to Sunday] was her act. And the act is a MARK of her ecclesiastical power and authority in religious matters. — C. F. Thomas, Chancellor of Cardinal Gibbons.
Sunday is our MARK of authority . . . The church is above the Bible, and this transference of Sabbath observance is proof of that fact. — Catholic Record, September 1, 1923 (Ontario).
Sunday observance is the mark of the beast. Thus if you insist on keeping God’s Sabbath day holy, you will be able neither to buy nor to sell. You will be completely cut off from any means of support for yourself and your family. This religious persecution will be very bloody. Many of God’s true people will lose their lives in this bloody turmoil, but this time the Lord will not tolerate a wholesale slaughter of His people. He will come and put an end to Sunday-keeping and religious persecution forever. And when He comes, those who have disregarded His law will finally learn that God means exactly what He says.
If you have questions about what you have been reading, there is a very good chance that our book, Earth’s Final Hours, will answer your questions. This book gives a more complete treatment of these and other subjects.
In Earth’s Final Hours many other fascinating Bible prophecies and subjects are also explained including detailed proof that Sunday observance is the Mark of the Beast, what it means to have the Mark in your hand, what it means to have the Mark in your forehead, the complete details of Armageddon, what life throughout eternity will be like, the Bible’s time chart, and why Christ has not yet returned. Other subjects include the devil, where he came from and how he is going to die.
This book discloses from the Bible the fact that Christ is waiting for one particular event to take place before He will return. As soon as this event happens, Christ will set in motion the events of the final year of earth’s history. And after this last year is over, He will immediately return as described in the Bible and in our book.
Earth’s Final Hours gives a complete and detailed, step by step account of the awesome final events of earth’s history and the return of Christ as described in Bible prophecy. Most importantly, Earth’s Final Hours will tell you exactly how Christ will return to the earth so that you will not fall for the devil’s counterfeit when he masquerades as Christ.
Order your copy of Earth’s Final Hours today for only $6.00 from:
P. O. Box 33111
San Diego, CA 92163
If you would like to have free tapes and books on the Bible and especially on the book of Revelation, please write to:
P. O. Box 1417
Eustis, FL 32727
PACIFIC INSTITUTE was founded in 1977 for the express purpose of Biblical research. Since then we have been able to assemble clear, accurate explanations of Bible subjects.

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¿Qué pasa con los códigos de barras y 666: La Marca de la Bestia?

Es el código de barras de la Marca de la Bestia?
¿Es realmente contienen códigos de barras el número 666?

¿El código de barras allanando el camino a 666: la marca de la bestia?
Antes de responder a estas preguntas, es necesario examinar brevemente la tecnología de código de barras. . .
¿Qué son los códigos de barras?
Los códigos de barras, por supuesto, son los cada vez más habituales "barras" y "números" en prácticamente todo. En 1973, "Código de barras Mr." (¿o es la señora de código de barras?) Paseaban tranquilamente en nuestro mundo. En poco más de 25 años, el Sr. Barcode literalmente ha apoderado del mundo. Ahora hay un código de barras para casi todo. Hay códigos de barras y códigos de barras cortas y altas. Hay códigos de barras y códigos de barras delgadas de grasa. Hay códigos de barras y códigos de barras postales internacionales. Hay códigos de barras 2-D. Y hay incluso códigos de barras para los humildes "abejorro". De las cartas, para coques, desde peces hasta fuma - está "vestido" con amigos "Código de barras señor".
Como alguien dijo con sinceridad: "Si es que existe, códigos de barras en ella".
El código de barras principal utilizado en los Estados Unidos es el UPC (Universal Product Code) de código de barras. La UPC es también el "original" código de barras.La UPC fue diseñado para la industria de la alimentación. Debido a la gran cantidad de piezas que suelen "check-out" en la tienda de comestibles, un método fue necesario para acelerar y eliminar los "errores humanos" cajero. En 1973, el código de barras UPC nació.
Para la persona promedio, el código de barras se ve confuso y complejo, pero a un "código de barras" ordenador amable, en realidad es muy simple.
¿Cómo un equipo de escáner lee un código de barras?
Un número de código de barras individual es en realidad siete unidades. Una unidad es de color negro o blanco. Una unidad que es negro se mostrará como un "bar". Una unidad que es de color blanco se mostrará como un "espacio". Otra forma de escribir una unidad de código de barras es "1" para una sola unidad "bar negro" y "0" para una sola unidad "espacio en blanco". Por ejemplo, el número "1" se compone de las siete unidades "0011001" o "espacio-espacio-barra-barra-espacio-espacio-bar".Recuerde, un código de barras único requiere siete unidades.
También, en un código de barras UPC los mismos números en el lado izquierdo (el código del fabricante) se codifica diferente que los números en el lado derecho (código de producto). Los números del lado izquierdo son en realidad los "invertidos" o "espejo" códigos de los números del lado derecho, por ejemplo, qué es un "bar" en el lado derecho, es un "espacio" en el lado izquierdo. Los códigos del lado derecho se llaman "paridad par" códigos porque hay un número par de "negros" unidades de barras.Por ejemplo, el del lado derecho "6" es "101000" - 2 pares de barras "negras" unidades. El lado izquierdo es llamado "paridad-impar" porque hay un número impar de "negros" unidades de barras. Por ejemplo, el lado izquierdo "6" es "0101111" - 5 impares "negro" unidades de barras. Tener diferentes números codificados para cada lado permite que el código de barras para escanear en cualquier dirección.
Las tablas siguientes son los códigos laterales izquierda y derecha coinciden con los números correspondientes, separados en las siete unidades individuales.
1234567 1234567 1234567 1234567 1234567 1234567 1234567 1234567 1234567 1234567
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0001101 0011001 0010011 0111101 0100011 0110001 0101111 0111011 0110111 0001011
1234567 1234567 1234567 1234567 1234567 1234567 1234567 1234567 1234567 1234567
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1110011 1100110 1101100 1000010 1011100 1001110 1010000 1000100 1001000 1110100
Aviso, algunas cosas acerca de los códigos:
  1. Como se mencionó anteriormente, los números de izquierda y derecha son "invertida" o "espejo".
  2. Todos los números de código de barras es igual a "cuatro" marcas diferentes. Una "marca" puede ser "negro" (bar) o "blanco" (espacio). Las "marcas" varían en anchura, pero siempre hay cuatro marcas diferentes, 2 "marcas de barras" y 2 "marcas espaciales". Por ejemplo, el número de código de la izquierda "uno" es "3 espacios (marca 1), 2 bares (marca 2), 1 plaza (marca 3), 1 bar (marca 4)".
  3. Los códigos del lado izquierdo siempre comienza con un "espacio" o "0" y termina con un "bar" o "1". El derecho es todo lo contrario, comienza con un "bar" o "1" y termina con un "espacio" o "0".
Nota: El ordenador no lee los números por debajo del código de barras. Estos legible por humanos (HR) números están impresos por lo que un "humano" puede fácilmente leer el código de barras, si es necesario.
Número de caracteres del sistema: Este número es un número del sistema UPC que caracteriza a determinados tipos de códigos de barras. En un código de barras UPC es normalmente a la izquierda del código de barras. El verdadero "código de barras" (las "barras" y "espacios") es el primer "código de barras" después de la "barra de protección" en primer lugar. El carácter del sistema Número es el cuadro azul en la "Anatomía de un código de barras".
Los códigos de los caracteres del sistema Número:
  • 0 - Standard número UPC.
  • 1 - Reservados.
  • 2 - los artículos al azar de peso, como frutas, verduras y carnes, etc
  • 3 - Productos farmacéuticos
  • 4 - En la tienda de código para los minoristas.
  • 5 - Cupones
  • 6 - Número estándar UPC.
  • 7 - Standard número UPC.
  • 8 - Reservados.
  • 9 - Reservados.
3 Servicio de Bares: Hay "tres barras de seguridad". Están ubicados en el principio, medio y fin. Las barras de protección inicial y final se codifican como una "barra-espacio-barra" o 101. La barra de protección medio está codificado como "espacio-barra-espacio-barra-espacio" o 01010. Las barras de seguridad "decir" el ordenador-scanner cuando el código del fabricante y el producto comienza y termina. Por ejemplo, cuando el ordenador-escáner lee la primera "101" o barra de protección, el equipo conoce la siguiente serie de números es el fabricante o el código de producto. Y cuando el ordenador lee el "01010" o barra del medio guardia, el ordenador sabe otro número que viene. Las 3 barras de seguridad son también los supuestamente "666" oculto en el código de barras (que veremos en detalle más adelante). Las 3 barras de seguridad se resaltan con un recuadro verde en la "Anatomía de un código de barras".
Además, la barra de protección analizados en primer lugar es utilizado por el equipo para calcular el "ancho" de una unidad.
Código del fabricante: Este es un número de cinco dígitos asignado específicamente al fabricante del producto. Los códigos de fabricante se mantienen y asignado por el Uniform Code Council (UCC) . Cada producto que el fabricante hace, lleva el código del fabricante del mismo. Por ejemplo, el código del fabricante para Kellogg es 38000. Cada producto de Kellogg hace lleva 38000 como el código del fabricante en el código de barras. El código del fabricante es de color amarillo en la "anatomía de un código de barras".
Código del producto: El código de producto es un número de cinco dígitos que el fabricante asigna para un producto particular. Cada producto diferente y cada envase o tamaño diferente, recibe un código de producto único. Por ejemplo, una botella de 16 oz de coque obtiene un código de producto diferente que una botella de 24 oz de coque. Por ejemplo: 13,5 oz Kellogg Rice Krispies de código de barras es 38000 90530 - 38000 es el código del fabricante para Kellogg y el 90530 es el código de producto para Rice Krispies 13.5 oz 16 oz de Kellogg Mini-Trigo es 38000 02720 - 38000 es el código de fabricante para Kellogg (el fabricante nunca cambia para los productos de Kellogg) y el 02720 es el código de producto de 16 oz Mini-Trigo. Un fabricante puede tener 99.999 códigos de productos únicos. El código de producto es de color naranja en la "anatomía de un código de barras".
Dígito de control: También llamada la "auto-check" dígito. El dígito de verificación está a la derecha fuera del código de barras. El dígito de control es un "viejo truco del programador" para validar los otros dígitos (número de caracteres del sistema, el código del fabricante y el código de producto) se han leído correctamente. El dígito de control es de color rojo en la "anatomía de un código de barras".
Cómo funciona el ordenador calulates el dígito de verificación:
  1. Agregue todos los impares dígitos. En nuestro "Anatomía de un código de barras" que añadiría 0 (sí, incluya el carácter del sistema dígitos) + 2 + 4 + 6 + 8 + 0 = 20
  2. Multiplicar la suma de la etapa 1 por 3. Nuestro ejemplo sería 20 x 3 = 60.
  3. Agregue todos los incluso números. En nuestro "Anatomía de un código de barras" nos gustaría añadir 1 + 3 + 5 + 7 + 9 = 25. No se incluye el 5 o el dígito de control, porque eso es lo que se está calculando.
  4. Ahora agregue el resultado del paso 2 y el paso 3. 60 + 25 = 85.
  5. El dígito de control es el número necesario a añadir al paso 4 para ser igual a un múltiplo de 10. 85 + 5 = 90. 5 es el dígito de control en nuestro ejemplo. Otra forma de calcular el dígito de control sería simplemente divida el número del paso 4 por 10. El resto es el dígito de control. Ejemplo 85/10 = 8,5
Se dará cuenta de que el precio no estaba incluido en el código de barras.
¿Dónde está el precio?
El precio se mantiene en la base de datos de la tienda electrónica centralizada. El almacén de la "base de datos de punto" contiene un registro para cada artículo de la tienda vende. El registro de ítem es "introducido" por el código del fabricante y el código de producto (mismos números que en el código de barras). El precio se mantiene para cada artículo en esta base de datos. Cuando el artículo es escaneado por el empleado, un programa de ordenador lee el código de barras. A continuación, convierte las "barras y espacios" en el fabricante y el producto "número digital". Usando el fabricante y el producto "número digital", el programa lee la tienda "base de datos del elemento". A continuación, recupera el precio de la "base de datos de partida" para ese artículo. Cuando cambia un precio, toda la tienda tiene que hacer es actualizarlo una vez en la base de datos almacena centralizado.
Es el número 666 "oculto" en el código de barras UPC?
Una de las acusaciones más populares e impactantes sobre el número "666" es el número "666" es secreto "oculto" en todos los códigos de barras UPC. Libro de Mary Stewart Relfe, "El Nuevo Sistema Monetario 666", publicado en 1982, es el "pionero" de la "666 en el código de barras UPC" enseñanza. Relfe libro contiene más de 50 páginas de doumentation excelente en el código de barras UPC. Descubrimiento Relfe se repite en muchas publicaciones de tocar la marca de la bestia, en los últimos quince años. Incluye folletos publicados por este autor.
He aquí algunas muestras:
Terry Cook, La Marca de el Nuevo Orden Mundial, 1996:"... Todo el sistema [código de barras UPC] es muy engañoso diseñado en torno a la configuración infame numérico, bíblicamente conocido como el 666, la marca del anticristo o el diablo (Apocalipsis 13:16-18) ..." (Terry Cook, La Marca de el Nuevo Orden Mundial, 1996, p. 376)
Bob Fraley, Los últimos días en Estados Unidos, 1984 :
"La interpretación de las marcas de código universal del producto es más revelador que en los tres números '666 'son los números clave de trabajo para cada código de producto diseñado Universal. Cada grupo de marcas de producto Código Universal tiene en él tres números no identificados. Estos tres números son 6, haciendo que el uso de los números '666 'clave para utilizar este sistema de identificación de marca ...
No hay ninguna desviación. Cada código de producto universal tiene tres marcas no identificados, cuyo número equivalente '6 'se codifica con el código '666'."(Bob Fraley, Los últimos días en Estados Unidos, 1984, p. 225, 228)
Así es como "descubrir" el "666 oculto en el código de barras UPC".
El "oculto" 666 en el código de barras
Observe los tres "barras de seguridad" (de color rojo) en el inicio, medio y fin. Ahora, observe el patrón misma barra ("barra-espacio-barra" o "101") para el número 6 (de color azul).
Por "mirar" en el código de barras de arriba, el número "666" claramente, parece estar allí. . .
Pero lo es?
Es el número 666 SINCERAMENTE "oculto" en el código de barras UPC?
Técnicamente, no, no lo es.
Aquí está el "técnico" verdad. . .
El número 6 y las tres barras de seguridad no son los mismos. Ellos se "parecen" ser idénticos, pero son diferentes.
Barras de seguridad y el número 6
B M 6
123 12345 1234567
101 01010 1010000
Notificación. Las barras de seguridad iniciales y finales son "barra-espacio-barra" o "101" (la B en la tabla anterior). La barra de protección del medio es "espacio-barra-espacio-barra-espacio" o "01010" (el M en la tabla anterior). El número seis es "1010000" (el 6 en la tabla anterior). Recuerde, técnicamente, un número de código de barras se compone de siete unidades. Las barras de seguridad iniciales y finales son sólo tres unidades y media barra de protección se encuentra a sólo cinco unidades.
Así que, técnicamente, desde la perspectiva de una computadora el número "666" no está en el código de barras UPC.
Pero. . .
Mira de nuevo. . . Las tres barras de seguridad contienen el patrón "barra-espacio-barra" o "101". Hay sólo un número, en veinte números (recordar números de derecha e izquierda tienen diferentes patrones) que contiene el "101" patrón y es que el número el código correcto SEIS. ¿No es el número uno, o dos, o tres, etc - pero sólo el código de derecho SEXTO. Me parece recordar algo acerca de una marca en la mano derecha (Rev. 13:16).
Técnicamente, desde la perspectiva de una computadora el número "666" no está en el código de barras UPC. . . sino desde la perspectiva de un ser humano - Sí, la "aparición" del 666 es allí!
¿Qué hace el inventor del código de barras UPC decir sobre el número "666" en el código de barras UPC?
El inventor del código de barras UPC es George J. Laurer. En 1971, mientras que el Sr. Laurer era un empleado de IBM, se le asignó la tarea de "diseñar el mejor código y símbolo adecuado para la industria de la alimentación". En 1973, el código de barras UPC Sr. Laurer entró en el mundo, y el resto es historia.
En el sitio web del Sr. Laurer , él tiene una "Preguntas" de la página, donde se responde a varias preguntas sobre el código de barras UPC. En la página "Preguntas" de la página, el Sr. Laurer responde a la "666" pregunta de la siguiente manera:
Pregunta # 8 - Corre el rumor de que las líneas (izquierda, centro y derecha) que sobresalen por debajo del código UPC son los números 6,6,6 ... y que este es el código internacional de dinero. He escrito un código con todos los seises y esto parece ser cierto. Por lo menos, todos se parecen a seis. ¿Qué pasa con eso?Respuesta-Sí, se parecen a los de código para un seis. Una paridad par 6 es:
1 módulo negro bar de ancho 1 módulo ancho espacio blanco 1 módulo ancho bar negro 4 módulo blanco amplio espacio
No hay nada siniestro en esto tampoco tiene nada que ver con la Biblia "marca de la bestia" (El Nuevo Testamento, el Apocalipsis, capítulo 13, párrafo 18).Es simplemente una coincidencia como el hecho de que mi primer nombre, segundo y apellido Todos tenemos 6 letras. No hay conexión con un código internacional de dinero tampoco. (De la web)
Incluso, el Sr. Laurer, el inventor del código de barras UPC admite: "Sí, se parecen a los de código para un seis".
De hecho, como hemos documentado - Seis es el número único que podían parecerse.
Seguramente pensaría que debido a las "conexiones anticristo" a "666" que habría elegido otro número además de '6 'al patrón de los tres "barras de seguridad" después?¿Por qué no 1 o 3, o 5, etc - pero cualquier número '666 ' . Seguramente sabían los cristianos, más pronto o más tarde, "descubrir" el claro "apariencia" de 666 en el código de barras UPC.
Tal vez no tenían otra opción?
Es el código de barras de la marca de la bestia?
En la película de 1993 británica, Naked , dirigida por Mike Leigh y protagonizada por David Thewlis, la conversación tiene lugar el siguiente:
"¿Cuál es la marca? Pues la marca de Brian, es el código de barras. ubitiqous El código de barras que puede encontrar en cada rollo de pantano, y cada paquete de Johnny y cada pastel poxie-pot. Y cada [improperio-eliminados] código de barras se dividen en dos partes por tres marcadores y los tres marcadores son siempre representados por el número seis. Seis-seis-seis. Ahora, ¿qué es lo que dice? Nadie podrá comprar o vender sin la marca. Y ahora lo que están planeando que ver con el fin de erradicar todo el fraude de tarjeta de crédito y con el fin de precipitar una sociedad totalmente sin dinero en efectivo. ¿Qué están planeando hacer, lo que ya han probado en las tropas estadounidenses, sino que vamos a tatuajes con láser por vía subcutánea esa marca en la mano derecha o en la frente. " ( Naked película británica de 1993, dirigida por Mike Leigh y protagonizada por David Thewlis)
No hay duda de Mary Stewart Relfe, autor de When Your Money falla, el "666" sistema "ya está aquí , y El Nuevo Sistema Monetario 666 , cree que el código de barras es la Marca de la Bestia.
Mary Stewart Relfe, cuando el dinero se produce un error ... El "666" sistema "ya está aquí, 1981

"Y hacía que a todos ... les pusiese una marca ..."
En griego esta palabra es marca charagma, que literalmente significa un sello, una huella, y se traduce marca. Nótese que Juan no dijo que hacía que a todos para recibir un número en la mano derecha o en la frente. Este profeta astuto podría haber ciertamente delineado entre una serie de números, y un sello o marca inexplicable. . .El mismo ojo electrónico que escanea la UPC marcas [códigos de barras] será en el futuro cercano escanear las marcas que serán requeridas para ser insertado en el cuerpo. . .
Aunque algunos detalles siguen siendo vagos, de esto estamos seguros:. Todo el comercio se llevará a cabo en un futuro próximo con un número, un nombre, o una marca de identificación en la mano o en la frente Es mi sincero deducción de que la marca "de la bestia "No será la inserción de números en sí en el cuerpo, pero de líneas verticales que representan mensajes codificados y dígitos. " (Mary Stewart Relfe, cuando el dinero no pasa la "666" sistema "ya está aquí, 1981, pp 56,57,58)
Mary Stewart Relfe, El Nuevo Sistema Monetario 666, 1982

"El Profeta Juan identificó este sistema Cashless de Comercio de hace 1900 años como un negocio en el que se negociados con un 'Mark' y un número, la marca será, evidentemente, un código de barras , el número será 666; 'la combinación de los dos, sobre los que vas a leer en este libro, será una parte integral del Sistema de '666 '...RECEPCIÓN DE LA PROPIA VOLUNTAD PROPIA la marca (señal) en la mano derecha o en la frente; que creo que va a ser un código de barras que incorpora un facsímil uso oculto de '666 ', ininteligible para el ojo,. . . "Mary Stewart Relfe, El Nuevo Sistema Monetario 666, 1982, pp xii, 206)
Una extraña coincidencia? sobre el código de barras es la palabra griega charagma traducido "marca" en el Apocalipsis. Así es como Robert Van Kampen, en La Señaldescribe este coincidentes:
"Es interesante notar que la palabra griega traducida como" marca "es charagma que viene de la palabra griega Charax , que significa "una empalizada, como una valla. Cuando uno se da cuenta de que esta palabra específica se utilizó en el siglo primero, y hoy vemos el uso del código de barras relacionados con la informática , nos encontramos con las posibilidades cada vez más una realidad en nuestra época. " (Robert Van Kampen, El Signo , 1992, p. 231)
Aquí está la explicación: El Griego "root" palabra por charagma (traducido como "marca") es Charax . Uno de los significados de Charax es "una empalizada", que es como un "líneas de la cerca de piquete, o vertical". La "idea" es decir, la razón Juan usó la palabra griega charagma , en lugar de estigma , etc, es porque él estaba describiendo una "marca" con líneas verticales - un "código de barras".
Pero, ¿es verdad todo esto?
Bueno, algo así. . .
Concordancia Exhaustiva de Strong de la Biblia, define la palabra charagma como:
5480 charagma , khar'-ag-mah , desde el mismo 5482 (Charax) un rasguño o grabado , es decir, estampilla (como una insignia de servidumbre), oesculpida figura ( estatua ): - escultura, marca.
Concordancia Exhaustiva de Strong de la Biblia, define la "raíz" palabra Charax como:
5482 Charax , khar'-az de charasso (para afilar a un punto, similar a 1125 a través de la idea de rascarse ), un juego , esto es (por impl.) una empalizada orampante (militar montículo de circunvalación en un asedio): - zanja.
1828 Diccionario americano Noah Webster del Idioma Inglés (! Una necesidad para cualquier estudiante serio de la Biblia) define empalizada como:
PALISADE, una cerca o fortificación formado por una hilera de estacas o postes afilados y establecer firmemente en el suelo. En la fortificación, los puestos se establecen dos o tres pulgadas de distancia, en paralelo al parapeto del camino cubierto, para evitar una sorpresa.
¿Significa todo esto "probar" Juan está describiendo un "código de barras"?
No. Por supuesto que no. Es un camino largo y pedregoso para viajar de "charagma" a un "código de barras".
Es el código de barras de la marca de la bestia?
Probablemente no.
Un código de barras sería un mal candidato para la marca de la bestia por las siguientes razones:
  1. La marca se describe específicamente en Apocalipsis 14:11 como "la marca de su nombre". Incluso la imaginación más salvaje tendría un tiempo muy difícil convertir un "código de barras" en "la marca de su nombre".
  2. En el mundo de "alto nivel" de seguridad e identificación, un código de barras no es demasiado fiable. La razón de la "auto-check" dígito en el código de barras es la probabilidad de que el escáner malinterpretando el código de barras. La próxima vez que vaya a través de la línea de alimentos contar la cantidad de "beeps" o malinterpreta el cajero recibe.
  3. Debido a que la piel humana se extiende, sería prácticamente imposible conseguir la precisión necesaria para un "fiable" código de barras. La piel se estira continuamente con la edad, el peso, la humedad, la exposición al sol, etc
  4. Hay mucho más fiable y más fácil de implementar la tecnología de códigos de barras, tales como identificadores biométricos o biochips, incluso.
  5. Un código de barras no coincide con la descripción bíblica de la Marca de la Bestia. Ver ¿Qué es el 666: La Marca de la Bestia? para más información.
Porter Lee Corporation ha inventado un sistema de código de barras para la identificación y registro de pruebas para los funcionarios encargados de hacer cumplir la ley.El título del sistema es interesante - BEAST - Bar estadísticas codificadas análisis de pruebas y el seguimiento.
Un fascinante desarrollo se llevó a cabo recientemente. El 2 de marzo de 1999, se emitió la patente 5.878.155 a Houston inventor Thomas W. Heeter descrito como un "Método para verificar la identidad humana durante las operaciones de venta electrónicos".
Patente Heeter de "abstracto", se lee:"Se presenta un método para facilitar las transacciones de venta por medios electrónicos. Un código de barras o un diseño está tatuado en un individuo. Antes de la operación de venta se consumó, el ​​tatuaje se escanea con un escáner. Características sobre el tatuaje escaneada se comparan con las características sobre otros tatuajes almacenados en una base de datos con el fin de verificar la identidad del comprador. Una vez verificado, el vendedor puede ser autorizado a debitar de la cuenta del comprador bancaria electrónica con el fin de consumar la transacción. cuenta del vendedor bancaria electrónica, podrán estar actualizada. "
Heeter invención está dirigida hacia el mundo en pleno auge de Internet E-commerce. En un futuro muy cercano, muchos productos se pueden adquirir de comercio electrónico a través de Internet. WorldNet Daily escribe: "... de internet e-commerce figuras en espiral hacia arriba, y el mercado europeo se espera que supere a la comunidad en línea de EE.UU. en un par de años, el potencial de ventas en línea han sido proyectados para llegar a casi US $ 1 billón para el 2003". (WorldNet Daily, 30 de septiembre de 1999)
¿El código de barras allanando el camino a 666: la marca de la bestia?
Sí. El código de barras, sin duda, está allanando el camino para el 666: la Marca de la Bestia.
El código de barras hizo algo muy importante para ayudar a traer 666: La marca de la Bestia. . .
El código de barras abierto la puerta (de hecho, no sólo la abrió de una patada la puerta abajo) para el "mundo digital". Todo es ahora un número. Todo se pone un código de barras. Como alguien realmente dijo: "Si es que existe, códigos de barras en ella". Recuerdo cuando primero comenzaron a aparecer los códigos de barras. Empecé a decirle a la gente en ese entonces, el código de barras se preparaba el mundo para 666: La Marca de la Bestia. ¿Fue alguna vez rieron. . . incluso por los cristianos. Aún recuerdo su risa y burla, "¿Quieres decirme, todo es cada una de esas" marcas ". Quiere decir, voy a ir hasta el local" 7-Eleven "y tendrán escáneres láser y que van a explorar estas "marcas". De ninguna manera. Sería demasiado obvio lo que estaba sucediendo. Todo el mundo sabría la marca de la bestia está llegando ".
Pero no es sorprendente 25 años después. . . y nadie da las "misteriosas" códigos de barras incluso un "segundo pensamiento".
Satanás con mucho cuidado y sutileza (ver Génesis 3:1 y 2 Cor. 11:3) nos adoctrina a nuestro maravilloso, cómodo y nuevo "mundo digital".
Y el camino hacia el 666 es justo delante. . .

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We must now show that the papacy is the most deadly enemy the United States will ever have to face. This fact is virtually unknown among the people. Using the utmost secrecy to conceal her plans, the papacy, through her facade of religion, has for many decades been infiltrating the United States in all levels of government. As a result, the United States will soon lose its constitution and become a tyrannical, persecuting power.
For many decades the papacy has been laying plans for the takeover of the United States. This goal of the papacy is clearly stated in Charles Chiniquy’s book Fifty Years in the Church of Rome.
We are determined . . . to take possession of the United States, and rule them; but we cannot do that without acting secretly and with utmost wisdom. If our plans become known, they will surely be defeated. — Charles Chiniquy, Fifty Years in the Church of Rome, The Wickliffe Press, Protestant truth Society, Wickliffe Avenue, 104 Hendon Lane, Finchley, London, N3., 1885, p. 373.
On page 374 of this book we read:
How sad will their awakening be, when, with our out-numbering votes, we will turn them, for ever, from every position of honor, power and profit! What will those hypocritical and godless sons and daughters of the fanatical Pilgrim Fathers say, when not a single judge, not a single teacher, not a single policeman will be elected if he be not a devoted . . . Roman Catholic? What will those so-called giants think of their matchless shrewdness and ability, when not a single Senator or member of Congress will be chosen, if he be not submitted to our holy father the Pope? What a sad figure those Protestant Yankees will cut when we will not only elect the President, but fill and command the armies, man the navies, and hold the keys of the public treasury?
Then, yes! then, we will rule the United States, and lay them at the feet of the Vicar of Jesus Christ [the pope], that he may put an end to their godless system of education, and sweep away those impious laws of liberty of conscience which are an insult to God and man!
. . . The American people must be very blind indeed, if they do not see that if they do nothing to prevent it, the day is very near when the Jesuits will rule their country, from the magnificent White House at Washington, to the humblest civil and military department of this vast Republic. — ibid, p. 374.
As we have seen, when they say Vicar of Jesus Christ, they mean the pope.
Here is a statement from the same book that shows the power these people have already amassed in the United States.
The Jesuits of the United States form one of the richest and most powerful corporations the world ever saw. — ibid, p. 375.
The papacy is by far the wealthiest institution on earth.
Jesus, the founder of Christianity, was the poorest of the poor. Roman Catholicism, which claims to be His church, is the richest of the rich. — Avro Manhattan, The Vatican Billions, Chick Publications, p. 17.
The Catholic church is the biggest financial power, wealth accumulator and property owner in existence. She is a greater possessor of material riches than any other single institution, corporation, bank, giant trust, government or state of the whole globe. — Jack Chick, Smokescreens, Chick Publications, Chapter 10.
Very few people know anything about the Jesuits because of their extreme secrecy. Here is a description of them from the book The Great Controversy that shows the abominable character and deceptiveness of the pope’s Jesuits.
Throughout Christendom, Protestantism was menaced by formidable foes. The first triumphs of the Reformation past, Rome summoned new forces, hoping to accomplish its destruction. At this time the order of the Jesuits was created, the most cruel, unscrupulous, and powerful of all the champions of popery. Cut off from earthly ties and human interests, dead to the claims of natural affection, reason and conscience wholly silenced, they knew no rule, no tie, but that of their order, and no duty but to extend its power. The gospel of Christ had enabled its adherents to meet danger and endure suffering, undismayed by cold, hunger, toil, and poverty, to uphold the banner of truth in face of the rack, the dungeon, and the stake. To combat these forces, Jesuitism inspired its followers with a fanaticism that enabled them to endure like dangers, and to oppose to the power of truth all the weapons of deception. There was no crime too great for them to commit, no deception too base for them to practice, no disguise too difficult for them to assume. Vowed to perpetual poverty and humility, it was their studied aim to secure wealth and power, to be devoted to the overthrow of Protestantism, and the re-establishment of the papal supremacy.
When appearing as members of their order, they wore a garb of sanctity, visiting prisons and hospitals, ministering to the sick and the poor, professing to have renounced the world, and bearing the sacred name of Jesus, who went about doing good. But under this blameless exterior the most criminal and deadly purposes were often concealed. It was a fundamental principle of the order that the end justifies the means. By this code, lying, theft, perjury, assassination, were not only pardonable but commendable, when they served the interests of the church. Under various disguises the Jesuits worked their way into offices of state, climbing up to be the counselors of kings, and shaping the policy of nations. They became servants to act as spies upon their masters. They established colleges for the sons of princes and nobles, and schools for the common people; and the children of Protestant parents were drawn into an observance of popish rites. All the outward pomp and display of the Romish worship was brought to bear to confuse the mind and dazzle and captivate the imagination, and thus the liberty for which the fathers had toiled and bled was betrayed by the sons. The Jesuits rapidly spread themselves over Europe, and wherever they went, there followed a revival of popery. — E. G. White, The Great Controversy, pp. 234, 235, 1911, Pacific Press Publishing Assn.
Today the pope’s Jesuits are not only entrenched at the highest levels of all branches and departments of the U.S. Government, but they are also entrenched at the highest levels of virtually all the major corporations and industries in the United States. The Jesuits are the major stockholders of many of the largest corporations. They own 51% of the stock in Bank of America for instance. And because the papacy is a so-called church, they pay not one penny of taxes. Because they are a so-called church, they are able to operate internationally outside of the laws and legal proceedings everyone else must follow.
Here are a few of the Jesuit-controlled corporations that totally support their Jesuits in congress and the government: American Airlines, TWA, Anheuser Busch, AT&T, Bell Atlantic, Boeing, Cigna, Coca-Cola, Daimler Chrysler, Exxon, Shell, Ford Motor Company, General Electric, Hewlett-Packard, Home Depot, May Company, McDonald’s, Motorola, Philip Morris, Price-Waterhouse, Rite Aid, RJR Nabisco, Sony Corp. of America, Texaco, United Parcel Service, Walt Disney Company, and Wells Fargo.
These corporations give their Jesuit senators and congressmen in both the Democratic and Republican parties many thousands of dollars for their election campaigns. These senators and congressmen are the most radical and dangerous this country has ever had. They do everything they can to pass laws and regulations prohibited by our constitution, laws designed to destroy the United States, to eliminate freedom, and to convert the United States into a ruthless tyranny. They lie constantly to to deceive the people so they will go along with the laws and regulations they want to pass.
Everyone in high positions in the government takes a solemn oath to uphold and obey the Constitution, but nearly all of them totally ignore the Constitution. The president issues executive orders that are totally unconstitutional, and Congress passes laws that the Constitution specifically forbids. Our God-given Constitution is the reason the United States has become the greatest country in the world, but it is being thoroughly undermined today by the Jesuits in government as they work to destroy the United States.
The laws and regulations they pass are designed to export the industrial and manufacturing base of the United States to other countries. They are designed to destroy our energy base by restricting oil prospecting, fuel production, and nuclear power plants. The Jesuits in the House, Senate and regulating agencies restrict the private use of land with nonsensical environmental rules and regulations. They pass laws and regulations about what is “proper” to be taught in schools so that children will grow up being extremely ignorant under the banner of being educated.
The Jesuits are not recognized by the general populace because of their treachery and secrecy. They tell no one that they are Jesuits. They even belong to other churches, other organizations, and other cultures, that they have infiltrated, to hide their identity and to control these organizations.
There are millions and millions of the pope’s Jesuits. They are everywhere. They are into everything. They are into every major organization, and control nearly every political organization and government in the world. Because of the Jesuits’ extreme secrecy, many of these organizations and governments are totally unaware that they are being infiltrated and controlled.
It is easy to identify the Jesuits and the Jesuit puppets in the United States Congress, because they are the ones that continually try to get all kinds of laws passed that require exactly the opposite from what the Constitution says. They continually pass laws that restrict the liberty of the citizens of the country. They continually pass laws to regulate every aspect of life in the United States. They continually pass laws that restrict freedom of speech such as the Campaign Finance Reform Act. Incidentally, they always use names for these laws that will sound good to the American people, but rarely indicate what is in the law. They use every means they can to deceive the people of the country.
The Jesuits continually try to pass restrictive gun legislation. The second amendment to the Constitution says, “the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.” Every gun law that congress has ever passed is a direct violation of the United States’ Constitution. Because of the crime and terrorism in our country today, and because of the government and media propaganda against guns, people are made to believe that these laws are necessary.
When the citizens of a nation are armed, where their right to own guns is not infringed, the crime rate is extremely low.
Every man in Switzerland, for instance, is required to have guns in his home, including assault rifles. Crime in Switzerland is almost non-existent. In states and cities in America that allow people to carry guns, the crime rate is extremely low.
During World War Two, Hitler wanted to invade Switzerland. The Swiss told him that he could send his army across the border, but none of his officers would return. Hitler gave the order to invade Switzerland several times, but his officers refused to obey. Switzerland remained safely neutral all during the war because Hitler could not overcome the guns in the hands of Swiss private citizens. No dictator wants to be the dictator of a nation with 200 million guns around.
Christians generally do not want to have anything to do with guns, because a Christian would never take the life of another individual. It is not the USE of the guns that keeps the crime rate low; it is just the fact that the guns are there, and the criminals and would-be dictators know that the guns are there. That knowledge keeps them at bay.
In order to motivate the people of the United States to give up their guns, the Jesuits stage shootings periodically to show how “dangerous” guns are. These shootings occur in the most emotional places such as schools where children die. But Waco shows what will happen when only the government has guns. Some 86 children died a torturous death at Waco at the hands of the government.
The USA Patriot act of 2001 is in almost total violation of the constitution, requiring many of the regulations Nazi Germany and communist Russia had. When all the requirements of this act are implemented, the citizens of this country will rue the day they ever allowed such a monstrosity to become law. Jesuits in the government were responsible for this act and forced its passage. They forced a vote on this act without giving the congressmen and senators an opportunity to read it! Why didn't the congressmen and senators have the good sense to vote “no” and defeat this act since they were never able to read it?
The Homeland Security Act of 2002 is another act that was passed to take away freedom and security in the United States and is in total violation of the constitution. As all the requirements of these acts become implemented, the people of the country will learn first-hand how it feels to have absolutely no freedom. These and other laws and regulations on the books will, when implemented, convert the United States into a more ruthless police state than was Nazi Germany or communist Russia and Red China.
Today, the United States is run and controlled by its most dedicated enemies. If you wonder at the things the government and the people in control of the government do that are so damaging to the United States, it is because they are our enemies and are determined to destroy the United States. Treason is running rampant throughout all levels and branches of the U.S. government today.
A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banners openly against the city. But the traitor moves among those within the gates freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears no traitor; he speaks in the accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their garments and he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation; he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of a city; he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. — Marcus Cicero, speaking to Caesar, Crassus, Pompey and the Roman Senate.
Many wonder today why the Republican party does nothing to defeat the treasonous schemes of the Democrats. It is because the pope’s Jesuits have thoroughly infiltrated the Republican party as well as the Democratic party. Many wonder why the news media lie so much to support and protect the Democrats. It is because the pope’s Jesuits have thoroughly infiltrated the news media. The news media and schools and colleges, with their lies and propaganda, have so conditioned the people of the country that they are unable to recognize what has been done to them. Victory for the Jesuits seems very near. The Jesuits are like a cancer that has pervaded nearly every fiber of the society of the United States. We are being defeated by the enemy within.
For many years the Jesuits have prevented the United States from developing additional sources of energy within its own territory. Exploiting the vast oilfields on the Alaskan north slope, that probably contain more oil than the entire middle east, is forbidden. New nuclear power plants, the safest source of electric energy ever discovered, are not permitted. There is no end to the lies people have been made to believe about Nuclear energy. The environment is used as the club to subdue the people of the country into going along with this idiocy. Modern technology is able to develop these sources of power without any damage to the environment. France gets 80% of its power from nuclear power plants without any problems. Needless to say, without sufficient energy, the United States will not be able to defend itself. All the papacy has to do is cut off the oil supply from the middle east.
The United States is now starting to feel the pinch of the energy shortage the Jesuits have created. People have experienced blackouts over large areas as power is shut off to stay within the limits of generating capacity. Today, instead of constructing additional nuclear power plants, some of these plants are being dismantled! Will the people of the United States be able to wake up in time to prevent the coming national tragedy?
Not only in the United States is this treachery being perpetrated by the papacy, but they are secretly at work all over the world to subvert all the nations of the world. Charles Chiniquy continues:
Rome is in constant conspiracy against the rights and liberties of man all over the world; but she is particularly so in the United States. Long before I was ordained a priest I knew that my Church was the most implacable enemy of this Republic. My professors of philosophy, history, and theology had been unanimous in telling me that the principles and laws of the Church of Rome were absolutely antagonistic to the laws and principles that are the foundation stones of the Constitution of the United States.
1st. The most sacred principle of the United States Constitution is the equality of every citizen before the law. But the fundamental principle of the Church of Rome is the denial of that [e]quality.
2nd. Liberty of conscience is proclaimed by the United States a most sacred principle, which every citizen must uphold . . . . But liberty of conscience is declared by all the Popes and Councils of Rome, a most godless, unholy, and diabolical thing, which every good Catholic must abhor and destroy at any cost.
3rd. The American Constitution assures the absolute independence of the civil from the ecclesiastical or Church power; but the Church of Rome declares, through all her Pontiffs and Councils, that such independence is an impiety and a revolt against God.
4th. The American Constitution leaves every man free to serve God according to the dictates of his conscience; but the -r--ch of Rome declares that no man has ever had such a right, and that the Pope alone can know and say what man must believe and do. — Charles Chiniquy, Fifty Years in the Church of Rome, The Wickliffe Press, Protestant truth Society, Wickliffe Avenue, 104 Hendon Lane, Finchley, London, N3., 1885, p. 375.
And when the papacy takes over there will be bloodshed.
The Church of Rome says that she has a right to punish with the confiscation of their goods, or the penalty of death, those who differ in faith from the Pope. — ibid, p. 376.
America simply has no idea of the terrible trouble and persecution that is coming soon at the hands of the papacy. The people of America have forgotten the wanton cruelty and unrestrained butchery this unholy power demonstrated during the Dark Ages when it slaughtered over 150 million Christians because they wanted to worship God according to the Bible. Hitler’s holocaust against the Jews was tiny compared to the papal holocaust against Christians during the Dark Ages, and the Jesuit-controlled news media never mention these atrocities.
The papacy’s slaughter of Christians continues to this day. Since the papacy is a small country with little military capability, they always beguile other nations to do their fighting for them. Today the United States is their favorite bully. Thus, they are never directly involved, and people do not realize who is behind the wars, the trouble, and the terrorism. Avro Manhattan’s book, The Vatican’s Holocaust, describes in detail the papacy’s continuing slaughter of millions of Christians in the 20th century. At the time of this writing, the complete text of The Vatican’s Holocaust is available on the internet for downloading at:
The slaughter in Bosnia, Kosovo, Serbia, Croatia and others is a direct result of the Vatican’s involvement in this area, but you will never hear about it because the Jesuit-controlled news media not only refuse to mention it but they lie about the situation to keep the papacy from being suspected of her true involvement.
The Jesuits seem to have a code that guides their every action. that code is: “Call your enemy what you are and always tell the exact opposite of the truth.” This makes it very difficult to counter their lies and explain clearly and understandably what they are actually doing.
And now the world has terrorism to a degree that was unimaginable before the destruction of the World Trade Center’s twin towers in New York City where nearly 4,000 people lost their lives. This terrorism is part of the plan the Jesuits are implementing to scare the American people into giving up their freedoms, and it is working. The Bible says in Revelation 18:24 that the papacy is responsible for “. . . the blood of . . . all that were slain upon the earth.” Evidence strongly indicates that Muslims highjacked the airliners and flew them into the towers. Thus we have rather strong evidence that the papacy’s Jesuits have even been able to infiltrate the Muslims. Remember that the papacy and the Jesuits have been at this business for many hundreds of years. Remember, also, that we saw that no disguise is too difficult for them to assume.
Let us now consider some of the tactics the papacy is using to subvert the United States. Just because they call themselves a church does not mean that they are honest or honorable. Remember that Satan, the devil, gave the papacy their power and great authority (Revelation 13:2). The Catholics, through their Jesuits, are working to accomplish the exact opposite from what the Catholic Church claims they stand for. For instance, the church claims to be against abortion, but their Jesuits, working in secrecy and masquerading as regular citizens in the government, work to pass laws and make judicial rulings permitting abortion. They have their right hand fighting their left hand to thoroughly confuse the people of the United States and to keep the people from ever connecting this evil conspiracy with them. Here is another example. The pope gets on television and, acting very piously, prays for peace, while his Jesuits are behind the scenes stirring up all kinds of wars, conflicts and terrorism in the world.
The papacy has made colossal fools of untold millions of people down through history, and it is still doing so today.
The Jesuits are making a dedicated effort in the United States to degrade the morality of the people of the country, to destroy family life, and to destroy all the traditional values that made this country the greatest nation in the world. This is being done by the abominable subjects being taught in government schools and colleges. It is being done by history courses that teach from revisionist history books containing many more lies than the truth. It is being done with pornographic sex education courses in the schools. It is being done with the destruction of religious values and the law of God, the Ten Commandments. It is being done by television programs, where entertainment is watching people break God’s law. The natural result is a drastic increase in crime. Acts of the most abominable and shocking character are daily perpetrated within this country. The murder of one and a half million unborn babies in this country each year is one result of the demoralization of this nation.
The Jesuits are also flooding the United States with aliens, most of which are Catholic. Not only are we being defeated by the Jesuit enemy within, we are constantly being invaded by an army of aliens from without. These aliens dilute the traditional American society that understands our Constitution and how it works. This makes it much easier for the Jesuits in congress to pass the unconstitutional laws so damaging to the United States. And, of course, along with these aliens come the people who actually blow up the buildings.
There is talk in Washington of giving illegal aliens amnesty again, and also of converting our southern border into a “regional power block” where the area within 100 miles on either side of the border between Mexico and the United States would be administered jointly by Mexico and the U.S. The Jesuits are working to “eradicate the borders that separate Canada, Mexico, and the United States as part of a larger design to create a regional political and economic bloc duplicating the European Union.”  The New American, October 8, 2001.
There is also talk of putting Mexican citizens in Mexico on United States’ Social Security payments. The purpose of this, along with all the wars and police-keeping actions the U.S. military is into and all the welfare the government pays for, is to completely bankrupt the United States.
Pushed by the Mexican government, the Bush administration is working on a Social Security accord that would put tens of thousands of Mexicans [in Mexico] onto the Social Security roster and send hundreds of millions of dollars in benefits south of the border. — Jonathan Weisman,The Washington Post, Dec. 19, 2002.
Since the Jesuits beguiled the United States into giving the Panama Canal to the Red Chinese, there are now over 200,000 Red Chinese in the Canal Zone. This portends extremely serious problems for both the United States and Panama. A large percentage of Panamanian citizens want the U.S. to come back and restore the Canal Zone as before. Incidentally, the treaty giving the canal to Panama was never properly ratified. There were two versions of the treaty: an English version and a Spanish version. These two versions were NOT the same. The Senate ratified one version and the Panamanians ratified the other version. And the treason goes on and on.
The Bible predicts what is going to happen to the United States.
There are two beasts (powers) described in the thirteenth chapter of Revelation. The first has been shown to be the papacy, the Roman Catholic Church. The description of the second beast begins with Revelation 13:11. “And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spoke as a dragon.”
The sea in Bible prophecy, you will remember, represents multitudes of people. The ascent of the first beast, the papacy, from the “sea” indicates that this power arose from the populated areas of Europe. The ascent of the second beast of Revelation 13 from the “earth” indicates that this power had its beginning in a sparsely populated area of the globe.
The previous verse, verse ten, gives us an indication of the time when this second beast was arising, for it refers to the deadly wound of verse three that the papacy received in the year 1798. “He that leads into captivity shall go into captivity: he that kills with the sword must be killed with the sword.” Verse eleven, then, describes the ascent of this second beast at that time.
What nation was coming to power in the world around 1798 in a sparsely populated area of the world when the papacy received its deadly wound? The only nation coming to power at that time was the United States of America. The North American continent was then a very sparsely populated area of the globe. Consider the beast that is used to represent the United States. It has two horns like a lamb. What beast other than a lamb has two small lamb-like horns? The obvious answer is the bison, or buffalo, as it is more commonly referred to. The buffalo, whose habitat is the North American continent, appeared for many years as a symbol on United States nickels.
The two lamb-like horns of this beast symbolized the kind, gracious, and gentle nature of this country when it was young. That the horns had no crowns symbolized the great religious and political liberty available to all under the United States Constitution. The horns without crowns represented a nation without a king and a church without a pope. The powerful buffalo symbolized the superior strength of the United States. On American money the message of her trust in God was proclaimed, and the great blessing of God rested upon this country.
Alexis de Tocqueville, a young French philosopher of the last century, came to our shores to discover what magical quality enabled a handful of people to defeat the mighty British Empire twice in 35 years. He looked for the greatness of America in her fertile soil, her limitless forests and natural resources. He examined America’s schools, her Congress and her unique Constitution without fully understanding the source of America’s strength.
It was not, he said later, until he went to the churches of America and found congregations aflame with righteousness, that he began to comprehend the secret of this power. Upon his return to France, de Tocqueville wrote: “America is great because America is good, and if America ever ceases to be good, America will cease to be great.” — Des Griffin, Descent into Slavery?, 1980, p. 267, Emissary Publications, 9205 S. E. Clackamas Rd., Clackamas, Oregon 97015, 503-824-2050, e-mail: midnight@midnight-emissary.com.
The United States was the champion of liberty and freedom throughout the world. Before this time no nation in history ever had a written constitution that guaranteed the liberty and freedom of its people. But the glorious beginning of this country was to be corrupted in later years. The gentle, gracious, freedom-loving character of the United States in its youth was later used as a facade to hide the character that this country subsequently developed. This facade has successfully kept hidden, even from most of its own citizens, the real character the United States developed in these last days as a result of Jesuit infiltration and subversion.
Revelation 13:11 tells us that this country will speak as a dragon. We saw that the dragon is Satan. How does the dragon speak? John 8:44 tells us, “You are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father you will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.” The devil is a liar. There is no truth in him. This great country, that began so beautifully by upholding the principles of morality and freedom, speaks, as Revelation 13:11 says, “as a dragon.” In these last days, the United States lies to the entire world, just as the dragon, the devil, does. The United States in these latter days deceives with a skill nearly equal to that of the devil himself, just as the Bible predicted, for the devil is using this country to play a major part in the disastrous events soon to take place. Most of its citizens readily believe the lies of this second beast, the United States.
Why does a country lie? Why does a person lie? Why does Satan lie? Lies are obviously used to deceive and to keep the truth from being known. Countries (and people) lie because a knowledge of their activities will hurt or embarrass them, or will prevent them from carrying out their sinister purposes. The fact that the United States speaks as the dragon shows that its government is engaged in criminal activities that its citizens and the rest of the world must not find out about. There are many thousands of examples of our government’s lying that could be discussed, but only two well-known examples will be considered here.
Perhaps the best known example of the United States government’s lies is our servicemen missing in action from the Vietnam and previous wars. Many very reliable reports of sightings have been documented, and photographs of men still alive have surfaced, but the government continues to lie about these men, claiming that they are all dead. How cruel it is for our government to simply abandon these men to rot in communist prisons for so many years after they risked their lives fighting in a war many of them felt was unjustifiable.
The second example of the United States lying to the world is the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. Many books have been written about the assassination that have put the lie to the official government version of what happened. The movie JFK very forcefully exposes the lies of the official government version of what happened and, along with many books on the assassination, shows that the assassination of President Kennedy was planned and organized at the highest levels of the U. S. Government. If the government has nothing to hide concerning this assassination, why were all the pertinent official documents of the assassination locked up until far into the twenty-first century? (Note: It is very unfortunate that the movie JFK used such revolting language and depicted such abominable scenes to tell the story of the assassination.)
Motion pictures were taken of President Kennedy during the assassination by one of the bystanders, a Mr. Zapruder. These pictures, which were locked in a vault for five years after the murder, show that the Warren Report could not possibly be true. The first time the American public got a look at these pictures was in the movie JFK. Why were the American people not permitted to view Mr. Zapruder’s film earlier? Because the people would realize that the Government was lying.
Later there was a congressional investigation of the assassination. The results of this investigation were also locked away so the citizens could not learn the truth about this murder. Why, unless the government has something to hide and has been lying to the people.
Presidential candidates and most other politicians running for office seem to be very proficient at lying. The news media lie almost continually to manipulate the people of the country.
Consider all the lies that were told about the Waco massacre and all the lies told about the many scandals of the Clinton administration. Other well-known subjects that the government continues to lie about are the destruction of the Federal Building in Oklahoma City, and the destruction of the World Trade Center towers in New York City.
Because of all the trouble and crime in society that the papacy’s subversion of the United States has caused, the papacy will use the backlash against the crime and trouble to have the government pass laws that enforce the papacy’s policies. As people come to a general realization that civilization simply cannot ignore God and morality and have any semblance of order and happiness, they will insist that the government pass laws to restore morality and decency in society. The French realized this after three and a half years of the unbridled excesses of the French Revolution. The French people found that they simply could not reject the Bible, and the government passed laws allowing the return of the Scriptures and religious freedom. Incidentally, the French Revolution was the result of the people of France rebelling against the iron handed rule of the papacy.
When the people of the United States, led by the papacy, become aware that the cause of all the trouble and problems in society is the disregard of religious morality, they will pressure Congress to pass laws supposedly to try to reverse decades of damage to the United States. Unfortunately these laws will be designed to legislate morality as defined by the papacy. If a society is going to have moral principles, it will be because of proper education, not legislation.
These religious laws that the United States is going to pass in the near future will cause the events of Revelation 13:12 to occur. “And he exercises all the power of the first beast before him, and causes the earth and them that dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed.”
Here we see that the United States will soon exercise all the power of the first beast, the papacy, and cause the people of earth to worship the papacy. What could the United States do that would force people to worship the papacy? In direct defiance of the Constitution, the United States will pass laws demanding obedience to papal religious requirements.
We have seen that Sunday observance was instituted by the papacy and that those who observe Sunday according to papal dictates instead of God’s Sabbath, Saturday, are worshiping the papacy. The United States, therefore, will pass laws requiring her citizens to observe Sunday as the day to be kept holy! (Remember that the pope’s Jesuits have been infiltrating the U. S. Government and other organizations for many decades.) That such a law would be passed in America may seem very unlikely at this time; nevertheless this is Bible prophecy and it will, indeed, be fulfilled exactly as verse twelve indicates. Actually, such laws are not as farfetched as they might seem. Many states now have Sunday laws on the books. These laws, usually referred to as “blue laws,” demand the closure of certain businesses on Sunday.
Today the papacy and her many daughter religions, including non-Christian religions and the New Age movement, are working to consolidate the churches of the world into a single worldwide religion. Because of all the crime and violence in society and the world, and because of the increasingly heavy hand of government regulation and taxes, the people will come to realize that they need the restraints of religion in order to preserve freedom and order, and they will combine the false religions of the world into a vast one-world ecumenical religion that the Bible refers to as the false prophet. Revelation 16:13,14 and other verses mention this false prophet. “And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon [Satan], and out of the mouth of the beast [the Catholic Church], and out of the mouth of the false prophet [ecumenical protestantism]. For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles, that go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty.”
The Sunday law will be one of the results of this false ecumenical religion. The people will mistakenly pressure government to go against the first amendment to the Constitution and legislate religious doctrine — in this case false religious doctrine.
The last issue of contention in this world will be over religion, specifically over which is the proper day on which to worship — Saturday, God’s holy Sabbath day, or Sunday, the day set up by the papacy — and we will soon witness religious persecution worse than the world has ever seen.
Because of its position of leadership that the United States enjoys in the world, and because of the Jesuit influence, the rest of the world will follow its example and will also pass religious laws requiring Sunday observance. The papacy will be the driving force behind this great Sunday movement. Satan and the papacy know that the scheme to establish a political New World Order through the United Nations to take over the world will not work. Through use of the trouble caused by trying to institute the New World Order, trouble caused by atheism, liberalism, socialism, radicalism, and terrorism, they are conditioning the world for these worldwide religious laws, especially the Sunday laws.
Continuing with the prophecy, Revelation 13:13 shows that the United States will dazzle the world with its great feats. “And he does great wonders, so that he makes fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men.” Has the United States ever made fire come down from heaven in the sight of the whole world? During the Second World War this country dropped atomic bombs on two cities in Japan, and fire, indeed, came down from heaven. The reference to “great wonders” refers to the exalted level of technological excellence this country enjoys and the scientific marvels this country has accomplished.
Further describing the United States, Revelation 13:14 says, “And deceives them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles that he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, that had the wound by a sword, and did live.”
An image is a copy, a duplication. The first beast, the papacy, is a union of church and state; the armies and police power of the state carry out the demands and dictates of the church as in the Dark Ages. This union of church and state will be duplicated by the United States. Catholics and other religious denominations in the United States will join together in a great ecumenical alliance and will pass religious laws including the national Sunday law. When this happens, the United States will repudiate its glorious beginning of total civil and religious freedom and will become a union of church and state in a vain attempt to dictate morality to its citizens. The United States will use its police power to enforce obedience to the doctrines and dictates of this great ecumenical alliance, thus becoming the image of the beast. We see this beginning to happen today as the so-called religious right becomes more powerful.
Before the end comes, this country will repudiate every principle of its Constitution. The injunction of the first amendment to the Constitution prohibiting the government from making any religious laws will not prevent this prophecy from being realized, and the fires of religious persecution will again be kindled. Those who insist on keeping God’s Sabbath day, Saturday, holy according to the Fourth Commandment will suffer severe persecution, as the following verse shows.
Revelation 13:15: “And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.” Thus, we see that in America the true Christians who continue to keep Saturday, God’s Sabbath day, holy will be in danger of losing their lives. As impossible as this sounds to us today, remember that the unconditional prophecies of the Bible never fail. Many of us will live to witness this persecution, that will eventually become so severe that it will be a matter of life or death, and many people will be killed. “. . . The time will come, that whoever kills you will think that he does God service.” (John 16:2)
We have recently seen the colossal abuse of governmental power against a religious sect in Waco, Texas. Consider how much of our Constitution had been repudiated in that fiasco. Without due process of law and without a trial, many people including women and young children were murdered in this despicable abuse of power by our government, that was shockingly similar to the Gestapo tactics used in Hitler’s Germany. Virtually every thing the government and the news media said about this sect and the military operation in Waco was a lie, told to try to justify the government’s actions. Before the government was finished with this operation, they tried to bulldoze all the evidence into oblivion.
Satan is planning to cause unbelievable trouble on the earth. This trouble will take many forms, from calamities of nature to political and civil unrest. The increase in the frequency and severity of earthquakes, hurricanes and tornadoes testifies that this trouble is already starting. Eventually the people who keep God’s Sabbath day holy will be blamed for this trouble. The claim will be made that God is angry because this small group of people refuses to obey the Sunday law. People will claim that the trouble is the result, and if the world were rid of the Sabbath-keepers the trouble would cease. Thus the Sabbath-keepers, God’s true people, are to be killed.
Satan has been trying for nearly 6,000 years to get mankind to break God’s laws. He has tried enticement with sinful pleasures. He has tried deception to convince mankind that the wrong way is the correct way. He has infiltrated his ministers (Jesuits) into the churches. He has used force. He used communism in an attempt to remove all traces of the Word of God from the earth. But no matter what he has done, there have always been a few people who have been true to God. In these last days of earth’s history the devil is getting desperate, for he knows that he is going to die, and he can see that his end is very near. “Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knows that he has but a short time.” (Revelation 12:12). Once more, in desperation, Satan is going to employ force, this time to a degree never before attempted, in an effort to exterminate every one of Christ’s true Sabbath-keeping Christians.
Tactics that the United States will use in this religious persecution to suppress liberty of conscience are described in Revelation 13:16,17: “And he causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.” The mark of the beast; what is it?
Great economic pressure will be brought to bear on the people who remain true to God and who continue to observe Saturday, His holy Sabbath day. These people will be totally isolated economically from society. They will not be able to hold a job; they will not be able to buy groceries; they will not be able to sell anything in order to obtain food or anything else they need unless they reject God and start keeping Sunday. They will be under extreme pressure to yield their faith to the papacy and to the devil, for the entire world will be arrayed against them. Imagine what life will be like for these people who refuse to receive the mark of the beast. This will be a time of severe trouble, and many who are not sincere will succumb to this extreme economic pressure. Then, since some will remain true to God and continue to obey His Fourth Commandment and keep Saturday, His Sabbath day, holy, the ultimate punishment will be decreed: these people shall be put to death.
On the other hand, God’s warning against receiving the mark of the beast is the most severe warning given in the entire Bible. It is found in Revelation 14:9-11. “And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand, The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, that is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb: And the smoke of their torment ascends up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whoever receives the mark of his name.”
Those who receive the mark of the beast will continue to lead normal lives for a short time before the time of trouble begins. They will be able to go to work and buy the necessities and comforts of life, but they will not be able to face the Lord Jesus when He returns to this earth.
What is the mark of the beast? Let us ask the beast what his mark is.
Of course the Catholic Church claims that the change [from Saturday to Sunday] was her act. And the act is a MARK of her ecclesiastical power and authority in religious matters. — C. F. Thomas, Chancellor of Cardinal Gibbons.
Sunday is our MARK of authority . . . The church is above the Bible, and this transference of Sabbath observance is proof of that fact. — Catholic Record, September 1, 1923 (Ontario).
Sunday observance is the mark of the beast. Thus if you insist on keeping God’s Sabbath day holy, you will be able neither to buy nor to sell. You will be completely cut off from any means of support for yourself and your family. This religious persecution will be very bloody. Many of God’s true people will lose their lives in this bloody turmoil, but this time the Lord will not tolerate a wholesale slaughter of His people. He will come and put an end to Sunday-keeping and religious persecution forever. And when He comes, those who have disregarded His law will finally learn that God means exactly what He says.
If you have questions about what you have been reading, there is a very good chance that our book, Earth’s Final Hours, will answer your questions. This book gives a more complete treatment of these and other subjects.
In Earth’s Final Hours many other fascinating Bible prophecies and subjects are also explained including detailed proof that Sunday observance is the Mark of the Beast, what it means to have the Mark in your hand, what it means to have the Mark in your forehead, the complete details of Armageddon, what life throughout eternity will be like, the Bible’s time chart, and why Christ has not yet returned. Other subjects include the devil, where he came from and how he is going to die.
This book discloses from the Bible the fact that Christ is waiting for one particular event to take place before He will return. As soon as this event happens, Christ will set in motion the events of the final year of earth’s history. And after this last year is over, He will immediately return as described in the Bible and in our book.
Earth’s Final Hours gives a complete and detailed, step by step account of the awesome final events of earth’s history and the return of Christ as described in Bible prophecy. Most importantly, Earth’s Final Hours will tell you exactly how Christ will return to the earth so that you will not fall for the devil’s counterfeit when he masquerades as Christ.
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